Growing to embrace Uni life beyond her passion for numbers

Critical, passionate and a team player is how Ling Xin Yi describes herself. For the Year 4 BAC Student, whose goal is to pursue a career in Financial Planning and Analysis, these are traits that she’s developed and honed at NUS Business School.

XinYi’s (right) first day on the Student Exchange Programme, all the way at the other end of the world, in the very very cold Montreal, Canada
XinYi’s (right) first day on the Student Exchange Programme, all the way at the other end of the world, in the very very cold Montreal, Canada

As a person who’s always been interested in numbers and how they affect business decisions, the decision to pursue an accountancy degree with a specialisation in Finance was a natural one.

“I wanted a specialised degree in accountancy yet with a broad-based business education. The NUS Accountancy programme offered this flexibility, where honours students get to take 1 years’ worth of courses purely based on interest,” she said.

While the curriculum has groomed her to chase her ambitions, it was her vibrant student life and hands-on experiences that has really built her character. Academically, Xin Yi has gained valuable on-the-job experience in Consulting Practicums and even a Field Service Project.

Enjoying the Shanghai skyline during our R&R time after presenting our proposal for our BLDP project.
Enjoying the Shanghai skyline during our R&R time after presenting our proposal for our BLDP project.

As part of the Bizad Leadership Development Programme (BLDP), Xin Yi and her team did a consulting project for a local company expanding into Shanghai. They even had a chance to fly to Shanghai to share their proposal to the Shanghai office.

Another memorable hands-on experiential learning was during a Transaction Banking module, Xin Yi’s class teamed up with Citibank on a consulting practicum. Besides being coached directly by a Citi banker, the class had an insightful feedback session during the presentation of their ideas to the Citi Transaction Banking team.

Xin Yi and her class with the Citi Transaction Banking team
Xin Yi and her class with the Citi Transaction Banking team

She has also gained valuable skills from her involvement in the Bizad Club where she has participated in Rag and Flag, and also planned and organised large-scale events from scratch, and made many close friends along the way.

Xin Yi adds, “It sounds cliché but after taking 40 modules at NUS with 1 or 2 projects each, you get to meet a wide range of people. You learn to understand and adapt to different working styles, and try to get the team to work together to ensure the best outcomes. The culture is such that students are open to debate during group projects and actively participate during class in a constructive manner. There are opportunities to learn from industry experts, go overseas, work with organisations, make close friends, and have fun! Putting it all together, opportunities to grow.”

Xin Yi and her “first friends” at the NUS Business Camp. Forming an A for our camp group AVATAR
Xin Yi and her “first friends” at the NUS Business Camp. Forming an A for our camp group AVATAR

When asked about the one piece of advice she would give future Business School students, she had this to say: “Life is too short to not do what you enjoy and do your best. Tertiary education is about finding yourself and growing through experiences. You could explore different courses, spend a few months overseas, or meet lots of inspiring people. NUS Business School is full of such opportunities – seize them! And have fun while you’re at it!”

For more information on the BBA programme, please visit

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