Getting to give, giving to get: The Win Advisors Scholarship Story

Younger Winnie on her graduation day in 1992
Younger Winnie on her graduation day in 1992

From rags to riches

BBA Class of 1992 alumna Winnie Cheah lived out her university days in financial lack. After losing her father to illness in junior college, her family had to get by with a meagre income. Not knowing at that time that she would be eligible for financial aid, Winnie took on part-time jobs to fund her studies. A defining, heart-wrenching memory Winnie still recalls vividly is almost passing out from hunger on a bus from school to home, because she did not have enough for meals.

But from this hardship birthed the motivation to excel and to always have more than enough for herself and her loved ones. Winnie’s career began in a local financial institution where she took on a role in credit and marketing. Eventually, she made a switch to the financial services industry where she achieved great success as an Agency Director at AIA Singapore. She eventually set up her own training and consultancy company, Win Advisors Pte Ltd.

Winnie’s AIA family, Win Financial Group
Winnie’s AIA family, Win Financial Group

The journey toward philanthropy

While Winnie candidly admits that she first donated to NUS to enjoy tax incentives, her gesture also began a beautiful journey of being more deeply connected with her alma mater. As an Agency Director, Winnie always takes a keen interest in developing and grooming young undergraduates to become successful financial advisors, thus making it a viable career option. Through the proactive engagement with the School’s development team, she has the idea to start a scholarship programme to support students who are entrepreneurial and have the desire to give back to the community. On top of that, she provides internships opportunities with her company, and serves on the Board of Directors of the NUS Business School Alumni Association. To date, Winnie has contributed up to S$250,000 of donations towards NUS Business School.

Sowing seeds of generosity with the Win Advisors Bursary
Sowing seeds of generosity with the Win Advisors Bursary
Winnie with the Bizad Charity Run student organising committee
Winnie with the Bizad Charity Run student organising committee

The principle of giving

According to Winnie, “no one ever became poor by giving.” For her, taking that first step to give has resulted in manifold intangible returns.  Her experiences meeting fellow donors, and being able to help her recipients financially has provided her a sense of fulfilment found nowhere else.

At the core of giving, is a heart of gratitude. Winnie attributes her success also to the positive environment created by her peers in school. They have remained in touch, found individual success and continue to spur one another on in life.

Winnie and her NUS Business School mates
Winnie and her NUS Business School mates

Financial wisdom and pointers

To the younger generation on the threshold of launching their career, Winnie offers these words of wisdom:

  1. Protect yourself financially as early as you can. Do not assume that your school or organisation covers you sufficiently.
  2. Time is a precious resource. Use it wisely and have a sense of urgency for your goals.
  3. Do not spend every dollar: spend 10% on insurance, put aside 10% on mid- to long-term savings. Have a contingency fund with at least six months of your income.
  4. Read widely, particularly self-help books. Successful people have libraries!
  5. Find an industry mentor who can give you sound advice and encouragement.
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