Studying for an MBA in Asia’s leading business school

Merging East and West, the NUS MBA curriculum integrates Western business models and leadership tenets from a distinctly Asian perspective. Hailing from the Philippines, Elle Lexine Lim (Class of 2018) found the right balance with the NUS MBA programme, and the rest, they say is history. Elle shares why enrolling in the NUS MBA programme was the correct choice.

Before embarking on my MBA with NUS, I was in a technical role in a bank. While I learned a lot and developed my analytical skills from the role, I found myself being increasingly interested in the micro trends of the business (vs. the “big picture” strategic aspect). After five years of working for the same company, I started to feel that it was time to challenge myself further.

I wanted a break from corporate life, while at the same time developing myself and learning the skills necessary to switch industries. I then decided to pick up some GMAT books and did my research about MBA schools. At first, I wanted to give Ivy League schools a try – well, because who wouldn’t? But after some serious soul searching and reflection, I decided that I ultimately still wanted to stay in Asia – where I felt the economy is still growing and has more potential opportunities, and of course still be able to set aside some savings.

Hence, I applied to the leading business school in Asia: NUS! And I don’t regret that decision at all.

Elle (front row, third from right) during her internship stint at P&G
Elle (front row, third from right) during her internship stint at P&G

The NUS MBA not only taught me how to develop and apply strategic thinking but also opened the door to many opportunities with top companies – I did a Marketing internship with P&G and a management practicum with GE Digital, where I was able to lead and present projects to senior management first-hand. The NUS MBA was truly a great learning experience, and I strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to grow their careers towards the direction of higher management.

During my time as a student, I did a summer exchange in NYU’s Stern School of Business that not just fulfilled my exposure in studying in the US, but it also broadened my networks even more. Besides participating actively in student and cultural activities (I was in the MBA Student Council), I also took part in the global Nespresso Sustainability MBA Challenge where my team won Honourable Mention out of 88 MBA schools. After having gone through a memorable welcoming orientation with more than a hundred peers in Pulau Ubin Island, two semesters worth of learning from distinguished professors and impressive batch-mates, personal development, and mentoring sessions, I am only sad that the months have gone by so quickly.

NUS Business School has introduced me to incredible (colleagues turned) peers coming from more than 50 nationalities! In fact, “incredible” is an understatement. It has truly been an amazing experience, and I only wish I can extend it even longer!

For more information on the NUS MBA programme, please visit

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