Rising up and stretching personal boundaries in Yale

Into the second semester of his one year stint in Yale, NUS BBA year 3 and a Mr and Mrs Wu Jieh-Yee Memorial Scholar, Tze Wei Lim, tells Outside-in about his adventure thus far.

Even after more than six months in, and being one of three NUS Business School students here, it still feels surreal that I am in Yale. I have never seen a place that boasts so many talents in areas ranging from the Sciences to the Arts. Going to class, I walk amongst published poets, renowned mathematicians, and acclaimed singers. They are the leaders who have created foundations, charities and community service programmes that give back to the world.

At the annual Yale Up! event when everyone dresses up in Yale merchandises and support sports matches that are similar to NUS’ inter-hall games
At the annual Yale Up! event when everyone dresses up in Yale merchandises and support sports matches that are similar to NUS’ inter-hall games

With the numerous classes and varying extra-curricular activities, I am continuously learning, picking up new skills, and developing my passions. While I was preparing for my trip, I thought that the modules offered were so wide-ranging, and vastly different from what you can find in Singapore. For example, there are interesting activities like lobbying and even farming. And other liberal courses under their philosophical & political modules, include niche classes in death, life, and the Trump era.

A lot of work is done alongside the fun
A lot of work is done alongside the fun

Here, I’ve been living in Grace Hopper College where the residential college system makes it such that I am a part of a family.


Left Photo: Tze Wei’s residential college – Grace Hopper College
Right Photo: Family at Yale

While the Yale experience has broadened my perspectives and has certainly been a life-changing experience, a part of me cannot resist the desire to return to NUS Business School because it truly is the place I call home. I believe experiences are defined by people, and not the subject matter in itself. So I have been joining activities and going with the flow, i.e. with people I feel comfortable with and can grow/learn from.


Left Photo: Tze Wei’s team broke the record during a game of Escape Room
Right Photo: Halloween and Thanksgiving are huge deals in America

The unique thing about NUS Business School is the immense amount of support and encouragement given to students from their peers, as well as their professors, lecturers, deans, administrative staff and other faculties. I remember my freshman year, the moment I stepped on campus, I was surrounded by people who truly wanted to help me make the most of my life, and so far, that has been the best thing about NUS Business School.

I’ve always been keen in finding ways to contribute and give back to those less fortunate than me. Back in NUS, I started the first orientation camp for special needs students, held a carnival to raise funds for a charity dedicated to assisting children with critical illnesses. I’ve also been involved in overseas volunteering experiences such as building toilets in rural parts of India. And being here in Yale, I’ve also been contributing what I can, hopeful that there will be a spillover effect to spur others to do the same.

With regards to the holistic development of students, NUS Business School has thought of every last detail, and there is always someone willing to help.

For more information on the NUS BBA programme, please visit bba.nus.edu.sg.

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