Nurturing a new generation of leaders

The sixth edition of the Bizad Leadership Development Programme (BLDP) kicked off on 23 August with more than 20 undergraduate students meeting up with some 15 of their mentors, who are senior executives in their respective industries, at a dinner event.

BLDP seeks to provide students opportunities to realise their leadership potential and emerge as holistic and outstanding leaders. In a six-month journey, the students will connect with their mentors, and take unique courses such as Independent Study Modules that cover leadership study and learning with business leaders, and an overseas study mission.

“I was able to pick up some invaluable interpersonal skills, which complemented the ‘hard skills’ I learned at school,” said BBA Year 3 Hons student Isaac Lee, who completed his BLDP the previous year, and was at the evening event to share his experiences with the new batch of mentees.

The mentors also found the programme an opportunity to learn more about the millennial generation. “Interacting with my mentees has helped broaden my perspectives and made me a better human. I hope they feel the same way too,” said Adeline Kee (BAC 1987), Head, Finance at NTUC Health Co-operative.

“To make the most out of this mentorship programme, everyone needs to note that every person is different, mentor & mentees should be flexible and not be too rigid in their expectations,” said Roch Low (BAC 1984), who has been a mentor for four years and is a CFO at a telecommunications company.

For more information about BLDP, please visit here.

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