Beyond the Classroom Walls

“It’s the human connections that form the fondest memories.” Muskan Harlalka, Vice President of the 39th NUS MBA Students’ Council Executive Committee, writes about her student life reflections over the past year.

“How is life at Asia’s best business school? Is it all spreadsheets, presentations and burning the midnight oil?” were the kind of questions I was being asked very often! And while I wanted to affirm all that, I also wanted to stress on how the NUS MBA programme played a holistic role in my life that went beyond any conscious cost-benefit analyses.

The programme has been instrumental in helping me form intimate bonds amidst a diverse cultural mix when the past year has been nothing short of a roller coaster ride. From playing a leadership role in the NUS MBA Students’ Council and meeting the daunting assignment deadlines to never missing a chance of partying while painting the town red, I feel thankful that it at least came with more peaks than lows!

Going into the NUS MBA programme, my objectives were twofold. Firstly, I wanted to further my education and advance my career, which I presume is a common goal for most. Secondly, and most importantly, I wanted to enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime experience of studying in a foreign land and explore everything that the programme had to offer, both inside and outside the classroom. Thus, with this, I set out to check off my list prioritising the following three areas that go beyond the classroom walls:

1. Getting involved in at least one extra-curricular activity that I was very passionate about

Running for an executive committee position in the Students’ Council has been an overwhelming yet enriching journey. Serving my cohort and working with the programmes office and student bodies were an adventure that we together as a team experienced and learnt from!

Through case competitions, interactions with different school faculties and community-wide initiatives, I got the opportunity to work with like-minded as well as polar-opposite individuals who all but exhibited a tremendous passion for the greater good of the community. And in retrospect now, I believe my decision to indulge in this extracurricular participation indeed served me well!

Muskan (front row, 3rd from right) was part of the organising committee for MBA Deans’ Challenge 2022.
Muskan (front row, 3rd from right) was part of the organising committee for MBA Deans’ Challenge 2022.

2. Socially building genuine connections

To me, business school was not only about acquiring knowledge in a particular field but also about building strong, meaningful, and lifelong relationships, which is never an easy task!

From cold messaging my LinkedIn connections to persuading my batch mates to turn up for events, I am guilty of doing it all! These interactions and experiences exposed me to diverse lenses through which the world was viewed, which ultimately aided in broadening my horizons. Reflecting on those honest conversations with my connections and my peers’ overwhelming support make this journey feel worthwhile to say the least.

Muskan (3rd from left) on a dinner date with exchange students.
Muskan (3rd from left) on a dinner date with exchange students.

3. Exploring Singapore in and out!

Sleepless nights and an empty fridge had become a familiar part of our schedules due to the constant getaways and gatherings; in the early days we never went beyond Sentosa though! (Yes, COVID-19 will take the blame.) These out-of-class group study sessions and outings helped us know each other better in a more candid environment. While most of my cohort is in their late 20s or early 30s, it was a journey of discovery for everyone—about who we were, where we were going and what we came here to do. And honestly experiencing that in a group setting was incredible!

Muskan (4th from left) and her peers on a trip to Pulau Ubin.
Muskan (4th from left) and her peers on a trip to Pulau Ubin.

Altogether now, I feel that NUS MBA prepared me for my future as a working professional by shaping me as a more dynamic individual. As my MBA journey is coming to a wrap soon, I already feel nostalgic but knowing that the connections I have made are here to stay and grow, I feel confident to take the next steps in my life.

Therefore, here is my heartfelt shout-out to all my peers, seniors, and connections: Thank you for inspiring me to put my best foot forward and with your presence and support, the past year has been invigorating and sparkling in all its true essence!

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