When Business Meets Medicine

Ms Anar Sanjaykumar Kothary, a current MBA student, has a passion for integrating business with medicine.

When the opportunity to participate in the Duke-NUS Health Innovator Programme (DHIP) arose, she jumped on it and subsequently, teamed up with a Biomedical Engineering student and a Medical student from the NUS College of Design and Engineering and Duke-NUS Medical School respectively, to develop viable solutions for health issues faced by women today.

At the end of the programme, the team created an innovative medical solution, known as OasiGuard, which is a device that prevents vaginal lacerations or tears during natural childbirth. The invention won them the top prize in a ‘shark tank’-style competition and an invention advancement funding of $20,000.

In this feature, Anar shares her journey in this special programme.

Q: As an MBA student, what motivated you to join a medical-related programme?

With a bachelor’s degree in biomedical science and previous work experience in HealthTech, I am aware of the challenges that scientists and medical professionals face in translating scientific ideas into commercial products. Therefore, I have always been drawn to the cross-pollination of healthcare innovation and business.

The MBA programme offers a wealth of multidisciplinary learning opportunities, which enables candidates to collaborate with students from other disciplines to develop innovative solutions. Recognizing the potential to merge my business acumen with my biomedical expertise, I immediately signed up for the DHIP program.

Q: What is your role in the OasiGuard project team?

My role as an MBA student was critical across various facets, including business strategy and product design. My financial accounting and marketing skills were particularly useful in estimating profit and loss, devising pricing strategies, developing a go-to-market plan, and creating a pitch deck.

I was also able to leverage my previous experience working in a HealthTech company and provided insights into user adoption and feasibility, which were crucial for product design. I also played a pivotal role in the market research process that enabled us to obtain a more holistic understanding of user needs.

Anar Sanjaykumar Kothary, MBA student (on the left) and her teammates from NUS College of Design and Engineering and Duke-NUS Medical School.
Anar Sanjaykumar Kothary, MBA student (on the left) and her teammates from NUS College of Design and Engineering and Duke-NUS Medical School.

Q: What has been your experience working with a multidisciplinary team?

Working with a multi-disciplinary team allowed me to tap into different areas of expertise. The medical student on the team provided insights into anatomy and workings of the body, which was critical when designing the product. The engineering student played a crucial role in thinking about the mechanics, materials, design and testing of the product. With our diverse expertise, we were able to approach unmet healthcare needs from a multitude of perspectives to innovate creatively.

Moreover, effective communication and understanding were key factors in our success. To ensure that we were all on the same page, we established a team charter that emphasized timely communication and created a safe space within our WhatsApp group where one could ask for help without hesitation.

Q: What is the next step of your OasiGuard project?

Moving forward, our immediate objectives comprise further product development, user testing, and the launch of clinical studies over the next year. Given that OASIGuard is still an initial prototype, we will need to exercise patience and await the outcomes of these evaluations before formulating any final plans. Of course, our ultimate goal would be to bring this product to the market and improve the lives of women worldwide.

Q: What are your career aspirations?

I am passionate about utilizing my business and biomedical knowledge to develop innovative healthcare solutions that positively impact people’s lives. After graduating, I hope to work in a role that allows me to apply my skills and knowledge to drive change in the healthcare industry.

The winning team, OasiGuard, received an invention advancement funding of S$20,000.
The winning team, OasiGuard, received an invention advancement funding of S$20,000.
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