Visiting Singapore and NUS Business School as a foreign exchange student

Being away from home is never an easy move. Especially if you’re flying almost halfway around the world, and having to attend classes with practically strangers. However, you’re never a stranger for too long when you’re Singapore, and everyone bonds over food.

With final exams looming and the semester coming to an end, Outside-in caught up with Amber Deltgen of Wisconsin School of Business and Ashley Herr of The University of Texas at Austin, as they share their experiences in and around NUS Business School and Singapore.

Amber Deltgen

Final year student of Accounting, Risk Management & Insurance at UW-Madison, USA

Mandatory tourist shot with Marina Bay Sands at the back
Mandatory tourist shot with Marina Bay Sands at the back

I’ve really enjoyed my time here in Singapore. Being able to travel around the region – I just visited the Philippines and am travelling to Cambodia soon!

I chose NUS Business School because only three students from my School are chosen for this programme each semester – so it’s really competitive and my privilege to be selected. And pictures do tell a much better story of my time here, as my classmates have really indulged me with all these memorable experiences here in Singapore. I love how after 4 months here, the night lights in Singapore still blow me away!

First taste of the “infamous” durian
First taste of the “infamous” durian
Taking my shot at a NUS Dragon Boat event. Yellow team rocks!
Taking my shot at a NUS Dragon Boat event. Yellow team rocks!

Singapore is also truly a “meeting place”. One memory remains stark with me – In January, after the Welcome Party for exchange students, I was waiting for the shuttle bus to head back to Ridge View Residential College, I started chatting with a fellow student at the bus stop. Out of nowhere, after I mentioned I was from Wisconsin, USA, he goes “Let me take a really big shot in the dark here, but do you know Lizzi Schieldt?” I was so shocked! Lizzi is one of my best friends back home and we are on the same club hockey team at Madison. I really had no idea what to say besides how small the world is. Lizzi studied abroad in Ireland last summer and Liam (the guy from the bus stop) worked in the admissions office at the school she studied in. It was such a great realisation at how small the world really is despite being huge.

Ashley Herr

Year 3 student of Management Information Systems at The University of Texas at Austin

Walking the TreeTop Hike at MacRitchie Resevoir
Walking the TreeTop Hike at MacRitchie Resevoir

I chose to apply to NUS Business School because of its great reputation in providing a great education. Also, Singapore has an awesome emerging startup scene, and I am especially excited about pursuing entrepreneurship.

One of my favourite modules is the New Product Development class. It has been phenomenal as I learn about the Singaporean startup environment. I’m about to launch a platform back home connecting small businesses to creative students, so this has been nothing short of amazing. Also, I feel that the teaching and class formats conducted here are really efficient.

Before arriving in Singapore, I read up on a lot of blogs and even watched videos from ClickNetwork and TheSmartLocal. I was expecting great food here, and I am happy to report that I am not disappointed!

Exploring Singapore during the Chinese New Year festivities
Exploring Singapore during the Chinese New Year festivities

I prepared for my exchange by reading a lot of blogs about Singapore! I watched some videos from ClickNetwork and TheSmartLocal. I loved exploring Pulau Ubin – the bikes were much fun and the scenery stunning! No doubt, I’m promoting NUS Business School and Singapore to my fellow classmates back at home to choose Singapore for their exchange programme! It’s a prime hub to travel to and from the rest of Southeast Asia and my time here with the brilliant people I’ve met has been filled with phenomenal food and being surrounded in an innovative environment. I’m really going to miss the hawker centres and Ilao Ilao!


Left Photo: Cycling at Pulau Ubin
Right Photo: Showing off home school pride at Lazarus Island

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