The Ultimate Bizader

NUS Student, Alumni and staff, Ng Pheck Choo (BBA ’84) has been them all.  The director for the Global Alumni Network Office (GANO) at NUS Business School first joined the faculty in August 2011.  This month, she takes up a new role at the NUS Industry Liaison Office.

Before she leaves MRB, she shares her fondest Biz memories with Outside-In.

Pheck Choo (centre) with her GANO team and alumni association secretariats
Pheck Choo (centre) with her GANO team and alumni association secretariats
Q: What does NUS Business School mean to you?

The NUS Business School alumni community is like family to me. When I first joined GANO, it was like a homecoming of sorts. Back then, I embraced the vision of helping to develop a community where alumni are willing to contribute significant resources – both in terms of time and financial contribution – to the University.

I am proud to say that today, we have garnered support from our alumni from diverse backgrounds, who are multi-talented and willing to be at the forefront of many of our alumni led activities, and we can certainly count on them to help lead the next generation of future leaders.

Q: Which professional milestones are you particularly proud of?

I am very grateful and blessed to have the amazing wonderful support of our alumni community.  Together, we have touched the lives of many through their selfless giving of time and sharing their expertise.

NUS Bizad Charity Run 2018
NUS Bizad Charity Run 2018

I am very happy to share that the NUS Business School Bizad Charity Run (BCR), has become our School’s annual flagship event, raising more than $100,000 for the past 6 years towards bursaries to help our financially challenged students and beneficiaries outside of NUS. Each year the run has been the School’s biggest ever, with BCR 2018 attracting more than 1,500 participants.  The number of participants and funds raised have increased five-fold since the event started in 2011. Today, BCR is an event we are very proud of as it marks the “coming together as a Business School Community to Run for a Worthy Cause!”

Bizad Leadership Programme
Bizad Leadership Programme

Another milestone is the Bizad Leadership Development Mentoring Programme.  This initiative is part of the undergraduate curriculum that enables a select group of students to fulfil their leadership potential. Launched in 2012, I recruited senior alumni to help our students hone their soft skills including relationship management, people and communication skills.  Today, we are into our 7th year and the feedback from both mentees and mentors is more encouraging than ever. It is most heartening to see our senior alumni, in spite of their very busy schedules, come forth to give back to the school by guiding our students in their career aspirations, as well as to imbue a strong work ethics and values in them.

Q: How has your role in GANO prepared you for the NUS Industry Liaison office?

I hope my experience with the alumni community and various stakeholders will come in handy in my new role at ILO. Having worked closely with the university and administrators, faculty, alumni and volunteers in building strategic engagement platforms, including my experience in both the public and private sectors. I hope the skills I have acquired can be put to good use in my new role. I am looking forward to being part of an amazing team under the leadership of Prof Freddy Boey “to fulfill the vision for NUS to become the foremost innovative university in Asia”

Pheck Choo with other Bizad alumni at the 2018 NUS Day of Service supporting Touch Community for the second year
Pheck Choo with other Bizad alumni at the 2018 NUS Day of Service supporting Touch Community for the second year
Q: Any other thoughts to share?

Great attitudes precede great opportunities; who you are determines what you see. My favourite quote from Stella Stuart sums it all:

“Behind me is infinite power.
Before me is endless possibility.
Around me is boundless opportunity.
Why should I fear?”

Pheck Choo with NUS BBA’s Vice Dean Prof Chng Chee Kiong and Asst Dean Dr Helen Chai
Pheck Choo with NUS BBA’s Vice Dean Prof Chng Chee Kiong and Asst Dean Dr Helen Chai

Thank you for your service, Pheck Choo.  From all of us at NUS Business School, we wish you all the very best.

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