The Transformers: MSc valedictorian Nicole Lim

Our graduates of this year’s Commencement discuss how NUS has transformed their lives. MSc in Management & CEMS Master’s in International Management (CEMS MIM) valedictorian Nicole Lim talks about her holistic learning journey. She is also an alumna of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) programme.

Q: How has NUS Business School transformed your life?

NUS Business School opened doors to many opportunities when I was a student and has also helped me grow tremendously as a person.

I had the opportunity to live and study in Sweden, Ireland and the Netherlands. I’m fortunate to have had the chance to see the world, meet amazing people from many different backgrounds and cultures, and work in environments that were way out of my comfort zone!

One of the most invaluable things that I learnt was critical thinking. This was honed by case studies, dynamic class discussions, presentations and Q&A sessions, as well as mastering complex subjects within months.

I was exposed to a wide range of disciplines throughout my time at NUS – from Finance to Marketing to International Strategy. It has given me the confidence and tool set to tackle complex tasks even in new situations.

Nicole (top left) with her classmates. (Photos taken before the pandemic).
Nicole (top left) with her classmates. (Photos taken before the pandemic).
Q: What are the biggest takeaways from your time here?

The greatest lesson for me is always to be humble, curious, and ask questions.

My business knowledge was almost non-existent at the start of the BBA programme. Coupled with how poorly I performed in my first year vis-à-vis other peers in my class, the experience was honestly very humbling.

I found myself in uncharted territory again during the MSc programme, where I worked closely with people from all over the world with diverse cultures, backgrounds and working styles.

Proactive learning is vital at work. There is so much I don’t know since I am a junior in my current company. With a myriad of things for me to learn, I make sure that I stay curious, ask questions and grow at my own pace.

Q: How has NUS enabled your career journey?

My biggest dream in life was to become a Formula 1 driver – or at least, work in Formula 1 or the automotive industry in Europe.

NUS has given me a strong foundation that has allowed me to acclimatise to different industries and positions quickly. Because of NUS, I gained a range of experiences that culminated in an internship at the Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix as well as my current position at a high-growth automotive start-up in Germany!

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