Support NUS Business Flag 2016

NUS Rag & Flag is one of the flagship annual events for our undergraduate team and the Bizad Club. Every year, hundreds of NUS students come together for two days in August to show case excellent team work and give back to the community.

This year, Flag Day falls on Tuesday 2 August and Rag Day falls on Saturday, August 6.

For NUS Business School and NUS BizAd Club, Flag Day as well as its associated community involvement initiatives have always been important. The School places great emphasis on including community awareness and responsibility within our freshmen orientation experience in order to raise socially concerned and committed students.

This year, the theme for NUS Business Flag is “Illuminate”. Through the efforts and actions of volunteers and committee members alike, including 200 freshmen, we wish to illuminate and light up the hearts and lives of our beneficiaries through the funds that we raise.

As such, a series of community engagement activities were organised with several counterparts of Hougang Sheng Hong Family Service Centre. This includes a Sports & leadership programme for the children in their Student Care Centre, Smartphone workshop for the elderly at Lifepoint, a Phototrail for low income families under the HOPE scheme and a Superhero story telling event for children.

This year, we decided to expose the freshmen to the different communities and difficulties they face through experiential learning. For our Flag Exposure Day, we had simulations of Dine in the Dark inspired by SAVH, a wheelchair obstacle course and provided the freshmen a hands-on soap-making experience under the ‘Soap for Hope’ initiative.


Tomorrow, on August 2, hundreds of NUS freshmen students will be taking to the streets asking the public for donations on Flag Day.

Let’s keep alive the tradition of giving back. Every donation counts as our freshmen aim to help less fortunate members of society. Show your support and do your part!

It is with this BizAd spirit that we have done so well in Flag Day over the past years. We’ve won numerous Challenge Shields in the past for the Best Total Collection and Best Per Capita Collection for Faculty Clubs for many years.

But awards aside, it is our community’s generosity and caring spirit, a core value of NUS Business School that has truly made a difference.

Look out for our students in red armband and NUS Business sticker in all central locations of Singapore tomorrow.

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