Striking Gold at Rag 2016

Congratulations to Bizaders who have once again made us proud by claiming the Rag Gold Award for their dazzling performance and exhibit during Rag Day 2016 on 6 August!

A tradition which began in the late 1950s, Rag and Flag is a signature NUS event where NUS students – freshmen and seniors – from different Halls of Residence, Faculties and Schools bond over months of intensive preparations.

Every year, hundreds of NUS students come together for two days in August to showcase excellent team work and give back to the community. It instils a caring spirit, a core value of NUS Business School, in the freshmen, with the aim of raising socially concerned and committed students.

Earlier on Flag Day (2 August), Bizaders raised some $50,000 after venturing across Singapore from early morning to seek donations from the public.

With “Big World, Bigger Dreams” as this year’s theme for Rag, our team’s winning performance was based on how ambitions and dreams can drive people forward and to create a larger impact on society.

“We picked various iconic buildings from different parts of the world and synthesized them into a stunning cityscape to showcase the big world that we live in. The work cubicles were kept grey and dull to depict the monotony of everyday work life, with the human mind and heart entrapped,” said Vincent Lum, Communications Secretary, 29th Management Committee, Bizad Club.

“In contrast, the colourful and childlike “attap” house displays the innocence and purity of the people living in the kampong, who show the main lead what it’s like to have dreams beyond her cubicle,” Vincent added.


Some $50,000 was raised on Flag Day to support the Hougang Sheng Hong Family Service Centre. Leading up to Flag Day were a series of community engagement activities organised by the Bizad team, including repainting the Centre’s facilities and conducting sports and leadership camps for the Centre’s children.

Through these activities, the freshmen were exposed to difficulties the less fortunate face through experiential learning. The students took part in a wheelchair obstacle course. They also had meals in a darkened setting forcing them to rely on their other senses beyond their sight. This was inspired by the Dine in the Dark experience organised by the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped.

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