Running for a Good Cause: NUS Bizad Charity Run 2023

NUS Business School’s annual flagship event, the 13th Bizad Charity Run, returned to a physical format today, after two years of virtual runs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jointly organised by the NUS Business School Alumni Association and NUS Bizad Club, the run attracted over 750 participants and raised close to $130,000. The proceeds will go towards the NUS Business School Student Bursaries, and the World Wildlife Fund – Singapore (WWF-Singapore) to support their environmental education and outreach efforts.

Themed ‘Race to Rescue’, it comprised two categories: a competitive 10 km run and a 5 km fun run, as well as a carnival of games and activities to educate the participants about sustainable living and environmental conservation.

“WWF-Singapore is honoured to be the external beneficiary of the NUS Bizad Charity Run 2023. This contribution will enable us to expand our efforts in developing conservation initiatives critical to our sustainable future. We would like to thank NUS Business School Alumni Association and NUS Bizad Club for hosting this event to raise awareness on climate action and nurture our future sustainability leaders.” said WWF-Singapore’s CEO, Mr R. Raghunathan.

Carnival of games and activities to educate the participants about sustainable living and environmental conservation.
Carnival of games and activities to educate the participants about sustainable living and environmental conservation.
WWF-Singapore is one of the beneficiaries of Bizad Charity Run 2023.
WWF-Singapore is one of the beneficiaries of Bizad Charity Run 2023.

Over the past 12 years, the Bizad Charity Run attracted 12,000 participants and raised over $2.2 million. This translated to more than 400 student bursary awards and support for 13 social service agencies.

Distinguished Professor Andrew Rose, Dean of NUS Business School, said, “I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed their resources to this year’s event. The dedication and hard work of the organisers, volunteers, and participants have made this event a success year after year. I hope that this tradition will continue to thrive and make a significant impact on the community for many years to come.”

The fundraising drive is ongoing and donations can be made at Bizad Charity Run till 30 April 2023.

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