Record breaking wins for Rag and Flag 2017

With the great leadership of this year’s Bizad Club Rag and Flag committee, NUS Business School undergraduates made a historic and record breaking win by sweeping all major awards at this year’s NUS Rag & Flag.

The students brought home the event’s top two most coveted distinctions:

Flag Shield
Rag Gold Award

And three key accolades:

Highest Amount Raised Award for Flag
Best Float For Rag
Best Costumes For Rag

Here are some thoughts from the Rag Committee:

Wong Kang Ming, Project Director

“Rag was the most special Freshmen Orientation Project I have ever experienced. Nothing instils pride and glory as a Bizader more than working hard together with your peers for a once-in-a-lifetime performance! I was lucky to have a capable team who share the same passion as me, working on various aspects of Rag. From Creative Direction to Publicity, each committee member worked hard on their responsibilities on top of being a senior to the freshmen. It was a mad rush, but we have learned so much through this journey and we have no RAGrets!”

Liew Bing Da, Vice Project Director (Internal)

“Joining RAG for another year for me was not only to secure a Gold award for another year, but more importantly to give our fellow Bizad freshmen an unforgettable experience, for years to come. Seeing everyone’s joy upon receiving our results made all our hard work, late nights and tears worth it. It was truly a celebration of the human spirit!”

Joy-Ann Chua, Costumes Head

“Rag was physically, mentally and emotionally draining. As costumes head, it definitely pushed me to my creative boundaries and made me discover a tenacious side of myself I never knew existed! It’s really a once in a lifetime experience where each individual will walk away with their own learning – good or bad. Best decision of my uni life thus far! In fact, one of my best choices in life thus far :)”

Siow Lip Sing, Safety Head and Green IC

“The Rag experience can only be described with one word – Teamwork. A group of 26 individuals, came together to organise perhaps the most exhausting, yet most fulfilling Freshmen Orientation Projects. Despite the disputes throughout the entire project, in the end, we had one common goal: the success of Biz’ Rag 2017. What was the biggest takeaway? Truly this is one big RAGmily!”

Not only have our Bizaders continued a proud tradition of bringing home the Rag Gold Award since its inception, they have also clinched the Flag Shield for the 17th time. For this year’s Flag, the students raised over SG$109,000 in donations.

Throughout the summer break, the students spent many late nights building the float and rehearsing for the main performance. Taking over the steps leading to Biz 2 with many paper mache models, colourful paints, students would work in rotation putting together different pieces that eventually formed the main float. Using any space they could find, they will work through dance choreography and ensure each other’s safety while practicing.

Such is the epitome of a great team effort in giving back to the community and showcasing our caring spirit. These achievements at Rag & Flag 2017 is a great start and momentum to kick start the new academic year.

Photos from Rag and Flag 2017 capturing the energetic performances and the celebrations on the appreciation day, courtesy of Bizad Club:


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