Raring to go for NUS BSA Charity Run

The 12th NUS Business School Alumni Association (NUSBSA) Charity Run has a special place in Linda Gouw’s heart. Linda, who’s from the School’s BIZAlum department, was part of the organising committee of the inaugural run, then known as the Bizad Charity Run or BCR, in 2011.

From 2012 onwards, she joined BCR as a participant every year. “This is a run that is for a good cause; where it is not just a run but an annual fundraising that supports several charities for the well-being of many beneficiaries. It’s held in January, so to me, BCR is the first event that kickstarts the new year. I believe our students and alumni will have fond memories of their time at NUS Business School when participating in the BCR, many of whom are repeat runners over the years,” said Linda.

Linda and her colleagues were among more than 600 participants who signed up for BCR this year. The virtual BCR which took place from 5 to 16 January was presented by NUSBSA and supported by BIZAlum, the School’s alumni office. Participants in the 12 km individual category or 112 km team category could choose where and when to run, so long as they submitted proof of completion.

First-time BCR participant Gurbir Toor was also excited to run with his colleagues from NUS Business School’s BIZCareers department. “I thought it was a good way of getting to know colleagues outside of work. We motivated one another, and despite some being better runners, we started and ended the run together,” said Gurbir. 

This year, BCR has raised a record of more than S$600,000. The record sum will go towards student bursaries, including the NUSBSA Bursary Fund. TOUCH Community Services (Elder Care), the partner beneficiary for BCR2022, will receive matching grants from Tote Board under its Enhanced Fundraising Programme.

Over the past 11 years, the flagship event of NUS Business had attracted 12,000 participants and raised over S$2.2 million. This contributed to more than 400 student bursary awards and support for 13 social service agencies.

Jordan Ng, Chairperson of the organising committee for BCR 2022 and NUSBSA Youth Wing Director, said, “This year has been extremely difficult for our beneficiaries. We see a rise in the number of bursary applications and the elderly also face higher risks and challenges that arise from the pandemic. We are thankful for the generous support from participants, which will help in alleviating the difficulties faced by our beneficiaries and their families.”

Jordan Ng (far right), Chairperson of BCR 2022 organising committee, with members of NUSBSA, raring to go for their run.
Jordan Ng (far right), Chairperson of BCR 2022 organising committee, with members of NUSBSA, raring to go for their run.

Year 2 NUS Business student Justine Lim Chia Qing was a recipient of the NUSBSA bursary. Paying it forward, she took up the role of the run’s Project Director. “I am proud to have worked with an amazing team to run such a successful and meaningful event,” said Justine.

The virtual run saw overseas alumni, such as those in China, taking part in BCR 2022.
The virtual run saw overseas alumni, such as those in China, taking part in BCR 2022.

Distinguished Professor Andrew Rose, Dean, NUS Business School, said, “We are proud of our alumni, students and staff who have stepped up to organise the run all these years. They didn’t just create an event that bonds people, they created a tradition that inspires and helps many in the years to come.”

The fundraising drive is ongoing and donations can be made at nusbsa.org/BCR_Donate till 1 March 2022.

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