NUS Business School playing the matchmaker

You never know where or when you’re going to meet and realise who your soulmate is. Returning to NUS Business School a few weeks ago to take their wedding photos, two couples – NUS BBA alumni Tan Sheng Jie (Class of 2012) and Sharon Liew (Class of 2011), and Kho Ziting (Class of 2014) and Goh Boon Leng (Class of 2015), spent some time catching us up on their lives since graduation.

Sheng Jie and Sharon who are getting married in June this year said they barely knew each other back in school.

Sharon said,  “Even though we were batchmates, we hardly bumped into each other in school. We first met each other while on our respective Student Exchange Programme (SEP). Sheng Jie was at the University of Connecticut while I was at Concordia University. Even though we met up in Montreal due to mutual friends while travelling in Canada, we barely spoke to each other.”

“It wasn’t until year 3 semester 2 that we accidentally became project group mates for a marketing module,” added Sharon.


Sheng Jie said, “We were friends, and only started dating after Sharon had graduated from NUS. At that time, she was also volunteering her time at a hospice.”

Sheng Jie is currently the Vice President, Head of Distribution (Singapore) at Liberty Insurance after finishing up a stint in Boston at Liberty Mutual’s Corporate Development Program (CDP) that is a two-year post MBA leadership development programme. After completing his Undergraduate studies, Sheng Jie was at Singapore Airlines as an Overseas Managers Scheme Candidate, where he did rotations in areas such as strategic planning/implementation, negotiations, data analytics, design thinking and team leadership.

Sharon who graduated with a Marketing specialisation accumulated experiences in market research and leasing over the past seven years and is currently at Changi Airport Group.

The couple mused: Students should know how to play hard and study hard. Make more friends and participate in more school activities. But most importantly, go for SEP or any overseas opportunities if possible.

For Ziting and Boon Leng, it was love at first sight! Coincidentally, they are also getting married in June, which is their fifth year anniversary as a couple.

Ziting said, “He was a double degree student and my senior in school. We became classmates in the Advanced Corporate Accounting module, which was a year 3 module but he was taking it in year 4. The moment I saw him step into class, that was indeed very memorable for me!”

Boon Leng said, “Personally, I feel school life is the best! Being in the finance industry, our work can be very demanding. We try to stay active by exercising or playing sports together about twice a week – activities that we can enjoy together!”

Ziting is in the Compliance team with Standard Chartered Bank while Boon Leng is a Quantitative Research at Quantedge Capital.


Both couples wish everyone a Happy Lunar New Year and Happy Valentine’s Day.

Here at NUS Business School, we wish them a happy and blissful marriage ahead! Congratulations!

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