Meet our MBA Alumni Awards recipients

They helped, they served, they led. These MBA Alumni Awards recipients were well-deserving of the recognition for their leadership, community service and contribution to their cohort.

The Awards were set up by NUS Business School and the MBA Alumni-NUS Association. The cohort nominated their peers, and the award recipients were selected by a panel of judges from both the school and the association.

Here are the recipients:

Class of 2020

Soe Myat Hein – The NUS MBA Alumni Leadership Award
Vivian Ye Hui Hui – The NUS MBA Mandarin Alumni Leadership Award
Celeste Zeng Yunru – Paul Yap Outstanding Contributor Award

Class of 2021

Manav Narang and Maria Katrina Enero Volante – joint recipients of The NUS MBA Alumni Leadership Award
Daniel Zhou Yunchong – Paul Yap Outstanding Contributor Award
Marcel Bandur – The MBA Alumni-NUS Community Service Award

Our winners (from top left clockwise) Vivian, Daniel, Celeste, Manav, Myat Hein, Kat and Marcel.
Our winners (from top left clockwise) Vivian, Daniel, Celeste, Manav, Myat Hein, Kat and Marcel.

Winners share their thoughts

Celeste, who received her Award for her work in promoting entrepreneurship-related events in her cohort, said it is essential for MBA candidates to have an entrepreneurial spirit.

“An entrepreneurial spirit helps one sail through challenges, make brave decisions, and not be bogged down by the unknown during this transition period,” she said.

Celeste also served as the President of the NUS MBA Entrepreneurship Club, connecting her fellow students with Singapore’s start-up ecosystem for opportunities.

Her long-term goals include starting a business and continuing her efforts in promoting the entrepreneurship spirit of being “agile, creative and not afraid of creating paths”.

Another recipient is Maria Katrina Enero Volante, who served as President for the NUS MBA Energy Club. She is known for spurring interest among students, even those without relevant energy industry backgrounds.

Kat also volunteered as a speaker in The NUS MBA’s recruitment events and engaged with the alumni community. She even received the Student Leadership Award from the Graduate Business Forum last year in recognition of her capabilities.

Kat said leadership to her is about influence. “It is measured not by how many people you serve but rather by how much positive impact you have made on others,” she said.

She hoped her award could be an inspiration for female students. “This award represents a big win for all aspiring and fearless women leaders in the business school community who, just like me, are striving hard to make a mark in their respective career paths,” she said.

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