Inspiring ideas and encouraging collaboration

The fifth Annual PhD Research Day gives our students from different levels and disciplines an opportunity to interact and exchange ideas for their research.

“It is a great opportunity for the students to showcase their research to the entire business school community. By exposing the students to a wider audience, they improve their work through feedback from diverse perspectives. Furthermore, the event inspires them to embark on fresh research ideas and encourage collaboration across departments,” said Sumit Agarwal, Vice-Dean (PhD and Research) and Low Tuck Kwong Professor.

At the heart of the event is the poster competition held in the MRB atrium where students (second year and above) get to present a visual summary of their research topic in a poster, including the methodology and key findings. Judged by a committee of six faculty members, the posters are assessed based on factors such as originality of the research and the ability to connect to a wider audience.

There are also morning sessions where nominated first-year students present their research works in various seminar rooms.

This year’s winners are:

Department of Accounting: 1st prize: Pei Sha & Hu Xiaoli; 2nd prize: Ma Jiameng; 3rd Price: Guan Xinjiao
Department of Accounting: 1st prize: Pei Sha & Hu Xiaoli; 2nd prize: Ma Jiameng; 3rd Price: Guan Xinjiao
Department of Decision Sciences: 1st prize: Lyu Guodong; 2nd prize: Tang Qinshen; 3rd Price: Chen Zhi
Department of Decision Sciences: 1st prize: Lyu Guodong; 2nd prize: Tang Qinshen; 3rd Price: Chen Zhi

Department of Finance: 1st prize: Zhang Jian; 2nd prize: Zou Qiqi; 3rd Price: Zhang Changhao

Department of Marketing: 1st prize: Yang Zheshuai; 2nd prize: Xu Xiaoyan; 3rd Price: Jia Miaolei
Department of Marketing: 1st prize: Yang Zheshuai; 2nd prize: Xu Xiaoyan; 3rd Price: Jia Miaolei
Department of Management & Organisation: 1st prize: Sherry Aw; 2nd prize: Liu Yukun; 3rd Price: Gabriel Henry Jacob
Department of Management & Organisation: 1st prize: Sherry Aw; 2nd prize: Liu Yukun; 3rd Price: Gabriel Henry Jacob
Department of Strategy & Policy: 1st prize: Xiao Fenglong; 2nd prize: Tan Hongbin; 3rd Price: Hu Tianyou and Siddharth Natarajan
Department of Strategy & Policy: 1st prize: Xiao Fenglong; 2nd prize: Tan Hongbin; 3rd Price: Hu Tianyou and Siddharth Natarajan
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