In action: How EMBA (Chinese) Intake 28 delivered resources to doctors in Wuhan

The numbers kept rising. Within two months, the coronavirus outbreak which started in Wuhan, China, has spread to major cities and provinces in the country. Globally, the number of suspected and confirmed cases grew as well. Then on 23 Jan, it was the lockdown of Wuhan, which has a population of 11 million people.

Our Executive MBA Chinese Programme (EMBAC) Intake 28 students decided it was time to act and support the doctors who are standing in the frontline. On 26 Jan 2pm, one of the students who does philanthropic work, Faye Lo, started a call in their class’ WeChat group to gather support from fellow classmates and faculty. The aim was to raise RMB500, 000 (about S$97,900) to buy supplies such as masks and protective gear for these healthcare professionals

Working with various companies and organisations, the EMBAC Intake 28 students gathered supplies such as masks to support healthcare professionals who are standing in the frontline.
Working with various companies and organisations, the EMBAC Intake 28 students gathered supplies such as masks to support healthcare professionals who are standing in the frontline.

Faye said, “At NUS Business School, students learn how to run a business with responsibility and care for the community. In adversity, the students looked for solutions rather than the difficulties. As a team, the EMBAC Intake 28 students delivered their mission, quickly, precisely, efficiently. In difficult times, we can and will find kindness and warmth.”

In 10 hours, they exceeded their goal.

Then it was a coordinated class effort for the next few steps. Based on the students’ respective industries and expertise, they were divided into smaller teams to take care of the following functions: fundraising and communication; purchasing and customs; logistics; hospital liaison; reception and feedback.

Considering the current shortage of medical supplies in China, the class had to source from overseas and arrange for delivery to Chinese hospitals. Working with various organisations and companies, the students arranged for 152 boxes of masks to be sent to Wuhan Benevolent General Association. Other medical supplies sent to six hospitals. As of 28 Jan, the first batch of supplies was in delivery, while the second and third batch of more than 3000 boxes of masks were waiting to be delivered from as far as Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia.

At the time of publication of this post, their work continues.

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