Happenings: Boards and ESG with IIM Bangalore

A big thank you to the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore’s Centre for Corporate Governance and Citizenship (CCGC) for inviting CGS Director Prof Lawrence Loh to its panel discussion Boards & ESG: Action your Aspiration & Enhance Accountability earlier this year.

The other two panellists Dr P D Jose of IIM Bangalore hosted were Thomas Thomas, CEO of ASEAN CSR Network, and C K Venkataraman, Managing Director of Titan Company. The virtual panel focused on the challenges and opportunities with ESG decision-making within boards. 

From left top (clockwise): Dr P D Jose, Thomas Thomas, C K Venkataraman and Prof Lawrence Loh
From left top (clockwise): Dr P D Jose, Thomas Thomas, C K Venkataraman and Prof Lawrence Loh

It was an insightful session on ESG’s impact on boards. The panel was part of a collaboration between CGS and CCGC on research and thought leadership. The session can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/HrSYaJwaHIw

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