The Global Network for Advanced Management (GNAM) recently celebrated its 10th anniversary in a two-day hybrid event at the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Lausanne, Switzerland. NUS Business School is a founding member of GNAM, which has since grown from an initial 17 schools to the current network of 32 schools.

The event featured panel discussions covering climate change, the global pandemic and new technologies, and the future of management education. The panellists and participants, both online and in-person, had engaging discussions on the key issues facing society and how business schools can develop leaders who can rise to meet these challenges.

“We are proud to be among the founding members of GNAM. To date, we celebrate the 10th anniversary with the other 31 schools across Africa, the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East. As part of the Global Network, we can leverage the network’s collective opportunities, better expose our community to global issues and improve business education,” said Distinguished Professor Andrew K Rose, Dean, NUS Business School.