Giving Back by Interning

NUS Business School seeks to provide ample financial support to its students. This takes the form of donated scholarships and bursary schemes. BBA student Jason Huang is one such individual, benefitting greatly from the AutoWealth bursary.

Jason with his mother (Photo taken prior to Safe Management Measure advisories)
Jason with his mother (Photo taken prior to Safe Management Measure advisories)
Jason Huang’s mum dropping food off at their neighbour’s home
Jason Huang’s mum dropping food off at their neighbour’s home
Motivated by mum

Jason felt the strong need to give back to his benefactor, Mr Ow Tai Zhi, CEO of AutoWealth. This stems from seeing how his mother often repaid acts of kindness from friends by cooking for them. She would also prepare more than enough to distribute to neighbours. These small but consistent acts of kindness had rubbed off on Jason.

Out of gratitude, Jason offered to intern at AutoWealth.

Jason on internship at AutoWealth
Jason on internship at AutoWealth
A meaningful internship experience

As the AutoWealth staff team was a small one, Jason had the opportunity to work closely with Mr Ow. During his time, he was able to observe how Mr Ow led and managed his staff, and learned the importance of:

  1. Leading by example – When there was a new task, Mr Ow would be the first to dive in to get things started.
  2. Listening to your employees – Jason was surprised that even his opinions and suggestions were heard, despite just being an intern. The operational improvements he suggested were even implemented after review!
  3. Having faith in your employees – Jason was tasked to edit a YouTube video even though he had zero experience with video editing. Despite the high stakes of the project, Mr Ow trusted that Jason would be able to deliver. Encouraged by this faith and empowerment, Jason pushed himself to do his best, and produced one of the most liked videos on the company channel.
  4. Integrity – There were instances when past employees made mistakes that affected the client’s portfolio. Although the mistakes were minor, Mr Ow chose to make it known to the clients and reimburse them for the errors made.
Jason (right) having lunch with his boss and AutoWealth bursary benefactor, Mr Ow Tai Zhi
Jason (right) having lunch with his boss and AutoWealth bursary benefactor, Mr Ow Tai Zhi

“I learnt from AutoWealth’s philanthropy that giving is a choice and not determined by how much I have.”

Giving is a choice

What struck and inspired Jason the most was that AutoWealth was only a start-up when they offered the bursary. Funds that could otherwise have gone into growing the company, were donated to third-party beneficiaries with no strings attached.

This experience has encouraged Jason to continue paying it forward and helping others in need. He now believes that regardless of his own circumstances, there are others in worse plights who need more support.

He has since started volunteering regularly with peers at the Singapore Children’s Society to help needy students with their homework. Jason said that it has been deeply satisfying to see that the students appreciate their help and look forward to seeing them every week.

“I learnt from AutoWealth’s philanthropy that giving is a choice and not determined by how much I have,” Jason reflected.

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