Freshman Orientation Back in Business!

Returning to fully in-person orientation programmes

After two cycles of virtual and hybrid style orientation activities, NUS Business School’s orientation action finally kicked back into full swing. This August, the School welcomed its undergraduates and postgraduates back on campus with full-fledged in-person orientation camps and activities.

Incoming MBA and Master of Science students got to experience the sprawling university grounds, visit iconic tourist spots in Singapore, and connect with one another – forging new friendships ahead of the new academic year.

“The Orientation week – now that the classes have started, how sorely do I miss the first week! However, it is not only about fun and team-building activities but also about profound realisations. It reminded me repeatedly that I am not alone in this journey, and this is the beginning of something extraordinary that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Most of us came in looking like a deer in the headlights but emerged with renewed self-assurance and the capacity to take on something novel and learn from it. Not a single second of the orientation session wasn’t crucial and helpful. You’ll be surprised, challenged, and transformed by it!” – Utkarsh Dubey, MBA freshman student

Freshmen from the 2022 MBA cohort posing for a group photo in front of the Business School
Freshmen from the 2022 MBA cohort posing for a group photo in front of the Business School

The MBA programme’s “Launch Your Transformation” (LYT) programme was also another milestone experience, packed with intensive but enriching activities to start the incoming MBA class on a strong note.

As student Hattie Ren recounts, “For someone who’s been in Singapore for 10 years and graduated from a local university, I would say the NUS MBA orientation is on another level. It consists of not only opening ceremonies and fun team bonding activities, more importantly, we had this transformation camp called the LYT program that was truly refreshing and thought provoking that helped tremendously in pre-wiring the entire cohort on the same frequency and mindset of mode of learning.”

Hattie (third from right) having a light-hearted photo moment with her MBA mates
Hattie (third from right) having a light-hearted photo moment with her MBA mates
Hattie (first from left) bonding with her batch mates over a casual meal
Hattie (first from left) bonding with her batch mates over a casual meal
The MBA orientation programme: Dragon boat team building event
The MBA orientation programme: Dragon boat team building event

New year, new spaces for the MSc community

Master of Science freshmen were also treated to spanking new seminar rooms, and a brand-new student lounge, part of a larger renewal project of the Business School’s Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library.

In addition, the MSc community also welcomed the inaugural freshman batch of its newest programme – the Master of Science in Sustainable & Green Finance!

The MSc in Sustainable & Green Finance freshmen class visiting SDE4, the university’s award-winning net-zero energy green building
The MSc in Sustainable & Green Finance freshmen class visiting SDE4, the university’s award-winning net-zero energy green building

“I chose NUS Biz as it is at the forefront of the business schools in Asia and across the world. The world is rapidly changing and I saw how the movement of business has moved towards Asia, specifically SEA and what better place to learn about Real Estate than from a global leader like Singapore. Through the various speakers and activities, I was able to have a firm grasp of  the strength of the NUS network and community where people from different walks of life can converge, share ideas, and create a lasting impact.” – Alphonso Joaquin Lopez Reyes, Philippines, MSc in Real Estate freshman

Master of Science in Real Estate freshmen enjoying lunch in the new MSc students’ lounge
Master of Science in Real Estate freshmen enjoying lunch in the new MSc students’ lounge

“The orientation was fun and informative. As an international student, it gives me a sense of belonging at NUS that helps me adapt to school more quickly.” – Yow Pei Jing, Malaysia (MSc in Accounting)

Filling the new seminar rooms and getting down to in-class discussions
Filling the new seminar rooms and getting down to in-class discussions

Keeping the NUS Biz flag flying high

On the undergraduate front, this year’s freshmen picked up right where their seniors left off before the pandemic, bagging the titles of top Flag donation collections and the gold award for the Rag float performances, to emerge the overall champions at this year’s Rag and Flag event.  Freshmen were also able to fully immerse themselves in full-scale in person orientation games, outdoor activities, and social engagements.

BBA Rag performers posing proudly with their fully hand-crafted float
BBA Rag performers posing proudly with their fully hand-crafted float
Moment of jubilation when Biz was announced overall winners of Rag & Flag 2022
Moment of jubilation when Biz was announced overall winners of Rag & Flag 2022

“I would say NBC and O’Week were perhaps one of the most exciting and memorable camps. I really enjoyed the exciting and ingenious activities put together by the passionate organising committees, and value the friendships forged.” – Felix Ling, BBA with Business Analytics Double Degree freshman student

Wet and wild at the NUS Business Camp games held at the NUS Stephen Riady Sports Centre
Wet and wild at the NUS Business Camp games held at the NUS Stephen Riady Sports Centre
Felix (back row, second from left) with his orientation group mates
Felix (back row, second from left) with his orientation group mates
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