Asia Centre for Social Entrepreneurship & Philanthropy (ACSEP) was privileged to have Prof Paul Brest from Stanford Law School and former president of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation conduct an executive programme from 25 – 27 August 2015. The event kicked off with an introductory lecture on strategic philanthropy and its discontents. The workshop then proceeded to touch on topics of strategy and impact investing before participants and Prof Paul Brest shared light-hearted moments over lunch.

The 18 participants from various government agencies, foundations, corporates and grantmakers, from Malaysia and Singapore, thoroughly enjoyed the time spent learning and interacting with Prof Paul Brest. The intensive programme focused on designing, implementing and evaluating strategies for the delivery of social goods and services through nonprofit organisations (NGOs) and for-profit enterprises (impact investees). To ensure participants fully benefit from the programme, they were required to complete pre-requisite reading, including chapters from books and case studies, before the programme.