Dream Beyond Your Boundaries

For secondary school teacher turned entrepreneur, Miu Yanrong’s professional journey is paved with self-discovery, as well as uncovering her passion.

Entering uncharted waters

NUS Executive MBA (EMBA) student, Yanrong started her career as an English teacher in a middle school in China. After several years, she realised that she needed to pursue a bigger dream than her current role as a teacher.

She took a leap of faith and transitioned her career to become a translator in a Chinese foreign trading company, marking her first entry into the corporate world. As a translator, Yanrong provided support to overseas customers throughout the entire procurement process, from negotiating agreements to managing logistics.

As the company specialised in trading in and out of Africa, she gained knowledge on cross-border trading and supply chain. She also developed an appreciation of the different cultures and races through her interaction with foreign clients. Little did she know that this rich exposure would later serve as a driving force behind her entrepreneurial pursuits.

First foray into entrepreneurship

The early 2000s marked a golden era in China-Africa trade. There were many untapped business opportunities for investment, growth and development. But, for many, Africa remained an unfamiliar continent.

Recognising its potential, Yanrong made a bold decision to set up her own company, providing cross-border trading services between China and Africa. Over the next few decades, Yanrong leveraged the African development to pivot her company’s foray into construction, manufacturing, and agricultural projects planning and management, with turnkey service as the core.

One of the many significant projects she was involved in included the establishment of Eden University, which today is the largest private medical school in Zambia.

Looking beyond profits, Yanrong provided construction materials and other resources to expand the university with new teaching and learning facilities. From a 14-student strength, the university grew to produce thousands of medical professionals to meet the dire healthcare needs in South Africa.

The impact that Yanrong made on the African market has redefined her as an entrepreneur, showing that every business decision can bring about a positive change in society.

Back to School

For over 20 years as a female entrepreneur, Yanrong has collaborated with many clients who have demonstrated great determination and passion in changing the society. To further pursue her dream in impacting society, Yanrong decided to return to school and enhance her business management expertise.

At NUS Business School, Yanrong is able to gain a fresh perspective on assessing global issues. By blending her practical experience with theory, Yanrong is able to develop an effective management approach and fuel her company’s growth as well as nurture an entrepreneurial spirit within the organisation.

Yanrong’s journey has been a tale of bold exploration into uncharted waters as well as lifelong learning. Indeed, having the courage to dream the impossible is one of the best ways to stay ahead in today’s changing world.


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