Develop your passion through an internship

At NUS Business School, internships are an important aspect of students’ journeys as it gives them practical knowledge of the working world. For BBA Year 4 student Vincent Lum, his recent internship at e-commerce specialist Shopee was an opportunity to develop his interest in online marketing.

He spoke to Outside-In about his time at the Singapore-based firm and shared his tips on making the most out of the experience.

Vincent: I worked on content creation with the Online Marketing Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) team. My day-to-day tasks include researching trending topics and creating engaging content such as lifestyle articles that range from overseas exchange survival tips to a guide on cheap laptops. The goal is to attract more users to our e-commerce website and blog, as well as to increase brand awareness for Shopee.

Vincent (back row, second from left) with his SEO team
Vincent (back row, second from left) with his SEO team

I did an earlier internship at Medano Coffee during my second year, a home-grown coffee company founded by two NUS Business School alumni that sells its products online. Being involved with the firm’s digital marketing initiatives exposed me to the behaviour of online shoppers on e-commerce platforms. Thanks to this experience, I was able to pick things up faster when I started my internship at Shopee.

In School, the “Marketing in the Digital Age” module taught by Associate Professor Daniel He gave me a solid foundation in online marketing. I applied the concepts I learnt, such as content and search marketing, and saw traction when Shopee customers liked my posts.  Seeing the tangible results from applying theory to practice influenced me to choose marketing as my specialisation.

Daniel was one of the friendliest professors I’ve ever met. He was always open to opinions from the class and continually challenged us to offer different perspectives and opinions.

Photo of my project group with Associate Professor Daniel He (in blue shirt)
Photo of my project group with Associate Professor Daniel He (in blue shirt)

Looking back at my four years here, NUS Business School is a great place to explore your interests, find your strengths, and understand your weaknesses. There are lots of opportunities here, not just in Business School but also in various University-wide programs. However, it is a very rigorous and competitive programme, so be prepared to work hard.

As a final note, here are my three tips for surviving internships and making the most out of them!

1. Be proactive and take on additional projects if you have the chance

This will let you learn more about different functions outside of your original job scope. I volunteered for the Intern Case Study Program, where my group (a mix of interns from various departments) had to solve a real business problem faced by Shopee with help from our mentors. I found that I was able to learn much more about Shopee’s business after working on the case and interacting with colleagues outside of my team.

2. Don’t be afraid to ask questions

An internship is your best chance to clarify any doubts about your job. Asking also shows that you have a positive attitude towards learning.

3. Spend time with your fellow interns

This can be through having lunch together or going out for social events after work. They can be a great source of support during your internship, and it’s always good to expand your network of friends.

For more information on the NUS BBA programme, please visit

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