Connecting with the best at the MBA World Summit 2016

Eight months at the NUS Business School have been action packed! I have met the most talented people, experienced the fast pace of global business and created memories of a lifetime.

One of the most defining experiences so far has been representing NUS Business School at the MBA World Summit 2016.

The event is spearheaded by the Germany-based Quarterly Crossing, a worldwide business leadership network, that organizes initiatives to foster their members’ professional and personal development. The summit gathers the 100 most inspiring MBA students from all over the world, as well as top executives from a small number of carefully selected companies that offer exceptional career opportunities. From a pool of 3,000 applicants, after a rigorous screening process, some students are shortlisted for a qualifying round of video interviews, of which only 100 of the most exceptional are invited to attend the 2-day summit.

The writer (left) at a networking session. Photo credit: QX Quarterly Review
The writer (left) at a networking session. Photo credit: QX Quarterly Review

I vividly recall meeting the dynamic team of QX Quaterly Crossing last November in Singapore. As Thomas Fuchs, Founder of the MBA World Summit, started telling us about the incredible summit experience, I knew I had to be there! Being part of this exclusive group and meeting charismatic and inspiring MBA students was an opportunity of a lifetime.

I remember working away on my application in the middle of my end of semester exams and giving the video interviews while at holiday in India during winter break. The efforts paid off, as one wonderful February morning I woke up to an email informing me that I had been handpicked to join top 100 MBA students to participate in the MBA World Summit 2016!

The time finally came and I arrived at Miami. My first impression of the Summit is related to the networking evening. It was incredible that all the amazing people I met were eager to connect and share their experiences. An international student from Mannheim Business School told me about his experience learning German and living in Germany. The friendly banter between Chicago-based students from Kellogg and Booth was delightful. It was fascinating to swap stories about travel in India with a German-American from Stanford. I also met the excellent QX-Quarterly team who had worked tirelessly to put together a flawless event.

On the following day, we had company presentations, Summit Laboratory Sessions organized by students and company interviews. I had the opportunity to host my own Summit Laboratory Session on ‘Marketing 2.0: Demystifying Content Marketing’. It was refreshing to see both Marketing enthusiasts and Marketing newbies attend the session and make it extremely interactive with their thoughts and personal experiences with Content Marketing. The Summit was also a great opportunity to connect with companies’ representatives from leading global companies such as: Amazon, Bertlesmann, Henkel, Bain & Company and Goodgame Studios.

Sunny skies and blue waters of Miami. Photo credit: Sean Bellamy McNulty
Sunny skies and blue waters of Miami. Photo credit: Sean Bellamy McNulty

The last day was for excursions: I joined the Wynwood Art District walking tour. A bunch of us ended up picnicking on the grass and eating empanadas in the hipster district of Miami. The day ended with an amazing pool party at a mansion. The relaxed setting of the party allowed us all to bond even further. I had the most memorable conversation with two students from NYU Stern about the representation of South Asian women in mainstream media. Later on, a student from SDA Bocconi, Spain and I discussed the alternatives of economic growth and the concept of community living inspired by ‘Buddhist Economics’.

Besides developing lasting relationships and finding common interests, I had the opportunity to talk about the National University of Singapore and how proud I am to be a part of the intake of 2015 that gathers so many different nationalities and accomplished personalities. I was happy to share my perspectives on the nuances of doing business in Asia through my experiences of building relationships with my classmates from China, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Most importantly, the MBA World Summit 2016 was a gateway for me to join and shape the GLC, a powerful global leadership community. It is the apex leadership network which welcomes a fresh group of members each year, carries on the work begun and the relationships forged at the Summit, organizing meet-ups, ground-up initiatives and regional chapters in global cities across the world. Tapping on the high caliber of talent and the ambitions of its rigorously selected members, the GLC will be at the forefront of the global conversation on business in the years to come. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and already excited for the MBA World Summit 2017 that will take place in Berlin.

Originally published on

The contributor, Mehak Chadha is pursuing her MBA at NUS Business School. She is passionate about telling brand stories and creating memorable consumer experiences. She has over 5 years of experience partnering with international brands to enable them to create innovative marketing campaigns and digital strategies.

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