Commencement: Advice for the Classes of 2020 and 2021

More than 2000 students from the Doctorate, Master’s and Bachelor cohorts graduated from NUS Business School in NUS’ first-ever virtual Commencement.

Our guest speakers and valedictorians shared words of wisdom with our newly-coined alumni as they step into a new phase of life.

“The one common quality that I see in leaders whom I deeply respect is wisdom. I am still striving to relearn from experiences, especially from failures. It is only by deeply reflecting on these and relearning that one can transform critical experiences into wisdom.”

Geraldine Chin

Chairman & Managing Director
ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
The NUS MBA (Class of 2008)

“Graduation is a new starting point. More than 20 years ago, I never thought I would lead a Fortune 500 company today. Similarly, as you stand here today, you would not be able to imagine and predict the boundless possibilities that lie before you 20 years in the future. The future is limitless, there are boundless possibilities for you to excel in society, industry and day-to-day life, an abundance of opportunities waiting for us to imagine and create.”

Fang Hongbo

Chairman & President
Midea Group Co
EMBA (Chinese) (Class of 2002)

“Always stay humble, saying what you mean and meaning what you say. Your words should be better than the contract. You will be surprised that your network of friends, with mutual trust, will come in handy in your future years.”

Tan Wang Cheow, PBM

Founder & Executive Chairman
Food Empire Holdings Limited
BBA (Accounting) (Class of 1981)

“Social responsibility, good ethics and integrity are qualities that exist with good leaders. There is no compromise here. Unfortunately, these qualities cannot be taught 100 per cent but can be inculcated and experienced. I would encourage all of you to be constantly aware of this.”

Ronald Ong

Chairman & CEO, Southeast Asia
Morgan Stanley
BBA (Class of 1980)

“We had to navigate the COVID-19 outbreak midway through our program. The good news is that we did make it through. We are here. And in doing that, we have accomplished something truly difficult. So we know we can get through adversity. This is important.”

Jerold Ng

The UCLA — NUS EMBA (Class of 2020)

“Let us use our communication, analytical, and strategic skills to bring people together in communities of learning, fellow feeling, and intercultural understanding.”

Nicholas Zeng

The NUS MBA (Class of 2020)

“This pandemic will not change our friendship, belief in lifelong learning, and our spirit of constantly challenging ourselves. Graduation is not the end. It’s only a new beginning.”

Chen Lei

NUS EMBA (Chinese) (Intake 27)

“As you chase your dreams and fight the bravest battles in your life – don’t forget to find time to stop, and spend time with those whom you love. Do things with those whom you care about. Reach out to those you miss. Say thank you and I love you more often.”

Nicole Lim

MSc in Management (Class of 2020)

“At NUS we have overcome long hours and all-nighters to complete difficult tutorials such as those on consolidation accounting…These past successes at NUS strengthen our self-efficacy and encourage us when we are facing struggles and achieving our great goals in life.”

Jolene Bay

BBA (Accounting) (Class of 2020)

“We arrive here today, faced with a world disrupted by a virus, and united by the uncertainty of what the future holds. We grew, not only in technical skills and life lessons passed on by our professors but also in embracing challenges.”

Jonathan Kwok

BBA (Accounting) (Class of 2021)

“As cliche as it is, just as four years of university flew by, so will these tough times, and I am sure all of us will look back one day and be as nostalgic for the bad as we are for the good. Because the bad is just as important as the good in ultimately defining us and making our journeys unique.”

Gideon Wong

BBA (Class of 2020)

“Many of us will be wondering what’s next? To address that, I urge you to think back to the day we first stepped into NUS, feeling lost. Compared to who we are today, we have grown tremendously since then, and we should celebrate that!”

Tan Hean Shuen

BBA (Class of 2021)

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