Congratulations to the NUS Business Class of 2024 – you did it! Our five incredible valedictorians, representing the best and brightest from Business Administration, Accountancy, Real Estate, and our esteemed Master’s programmes in Finance and Business Administration, are here to share some nuggets of wisdom. Hear their inspiring stories and cheer them on as they take on the world!


Jade Woo

Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours (Major in Finance)
Winner of the DBS Medal



I am deeply grateful to NUS for allowing me to rediscover myself. I began my journey in NUS Pharmaceutical Sciences but soon realised that research was not my calling. So, I transitioned to NUS Business School, as I hoped to seek a career that would involve more engagement with people. Here, I discovered my passion for finance, working with numbers, and analysing data. I had the opportunity to intern as an analyst, which solidified my career aspirations.

One of the most important lessons I learned was the significance of understanding my audience, whether during presentations, networking, or everyday conversations. This understanding has allowed me to better connect with people from all walks of life.

As we step into the working world, we must always put our best foot forward in our endeavours. But amidst our hard work and ambition, remember to have fun and enjoy the journey.



Thaddaeus Tan

Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy) with Honours



My journey at NUS has been filled with incredible experiences that have shaped my personal and professional growth. One was representing my start-up, Shareship, in a competition. I pitched my business idea to a panel of venture capitalists, and I won, securing prize money for my start-up. This experience validated my entrepreneurial ambitions and instilled a profound sense of achievement.

Another unforgettable experience was my internship at a hedge fund firm, AGT Partners. As an intern, I was given the rare responsibility of managing money, executing trades, and even generating profits for the firm. In fact, I was the first intern in the company’s history to achieve this feat. This hands-on experience significantly enhanced my skills and knowledge, boosting my confidence and earning the respect of my supervisors.

These opportunities have been pivotal in my development, broadening my horizons and preparing me for future challenges.

As we venture into the next chapter of our lives, let’s embrace the unknown with persistence and curiosity. Open yourselves to new opportunities, explore uncharted territories, and never stop learning. Your future is yours to shape.




Teng Hau Wei

Bachelor of Science (Real Estate) with Honours
Winner of the Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal, Amos Koh Medal and Outstanding Undergraduate Research Prize



My biggest takeaway from NUS has been discovering my passion for research. Piecing together data, analysing it, and explaining phenomena and concepts feels like I am connecting the dots to tell a compelling story that impacts society. My research thesis was on the link between real estate agents’ LinkedIn activities and their property sales records. This project was a labour of love.

The Real Estate programme has been pivotal in shaping my career path. I may be taking my graduate studies overseas; I hope to one day return to NUS to continue my research endeavours.

With the knowledge and experiences gained here, we are well-equipped to face the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead. Let us continue to learn, grow, and make a meaningful difference in the world.



Luca Triglia

Master of Science in Finance



Looking back, I learned the importance of taking risks and stepping out of my comfort zone. After graduating from NUS School of Computing, I was driven by a desire to diversify my skill set and to pursue my interest in investing. This involved embracing uncertainty, but ultimately led to a rewarding career pivot into finance. During the course, I discovered a passion for financial analysis and valuation, paving the way to my current career.

Today, I am a more confident communicator, which is essential in my current role in investor relations. I can effectively articulate complex financial concepts to investors, leveraging the skills I gained in my course, such as valuing investment opportunities and developing financial models.

NUS taught me that success extends beyond academics. Cultivating strong relationships and seeking mentorship, as I did with Senior Lecturer Lee Yen Teik, are invaluable for personal and professional growth. These connections become your lifelong support system, celebrating your triumphs, offering comfort during challenges, and inspiring you to reach your full potential.



Liu Jun

Master of Business Administration
Winner of the Reginald Quahe Memorial Medal (Gold)



As we gather to celebrate our accomplishments, I am reminded of the many invaluable experiences during our MBA journey. One important takeaway from my two years here is the Launch Your Transformation camp. The camp honed our soft skills, focusing on management communications, conflict resolution, impactful presentations, and team management. The lessons learned from the camp help me with my daily engagement with colleagues, clients, and fellow industry members.

Also, I am one of the older students in my cohort and I saw my MBA as an opportunity to work with the younger generation. This experience has given me a deeper understanding of how they think and operate, which has been incredibly beneficial in managing teams with younger colleagues at work.

As you embark on this exciting new chapter, Class of 2024, remember that the world is constantly evolving. Embrace change with courage and adaptability, leveraging your unique talents and diverse perspectives to make a positive impact.