Commencement 2019: Advice for the graduates

Some 1,100 students from the Doctorate, Masters and Bachelor cohorts graduated from NUS Business School in three Commencement ceremonies on 16 and 17 July 2019.

Our guest speakers and valedictorians share inspirational quotes based on their life lessons with our newly coined alumni as they step into a new phase of life.

A graduate should always ask oneself ‘what kind of person do I want to become?’.

Co-guest speaker Emily Chan

Emily and I believe that the path to success and happiness lies in choosing what is right, over what is easy, and choosing from a place of love and respect, rather than fear. For us, one’s reputation in business is most important.

Co-guest speaker Eugene Ng

Co-guest speakers Eugene Ng and Emily Chan are from BBA Class of 1992. Eugene is Chairman of Crimson Logic, while Emily is General Manager, Shell. The two met at Business School and got married after graduation.


Left: First ceremony of NUS BBA students
Right: Proud graduands of the Class of 2019

I have personally found great fulfilment in my volunteer and charity work. While I have given my time to help out over the years, I have learned so much from my involvement as a volunteer. It has made me a better person – more objective, more balanced and a kinder person. I urge you all to get involved.

Dr Kevin Lim

Chairman, Division of Surgery
KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital
UCLA – NUS EMBA (Class of 2015)

NUS MBA Class of 2019
NUS MBA Class of 2019

Left: MSc Management & CEMS MIM Class of 2019
Right: UCLA-NUS EMBA Class of 2019

Never compromise on integrity and honesty…If it is something that you are not proud to tell your mother, then don’t do it.

Chaly Mah

Guest speaker
Chairman of Singapore Accountancy Commission
NUS Trustee and is Chairman of the School’s Accounting Advisory Board

Let us not be afraid of the failures and challenges that will come. Because we’ve been educated by a world-class institution and we have all the skills that we need to succeed. And, may we remember, on the bad days, to be patient and resilient and on the good days, to be ever more diligent.

Saw Le Yong

Valedictorian, BBA cohort

Embrace different views and ideas as you step into the working world. Our differences create an environment where we debate and share different opinions. That encourages us to think of better ideas.

Sethapong Sethakarun

Valedictorian, Doctorate and Masters cohort

While the path ahead may not always be smooth sailing, don’t be afraid, but learn to embrace each twist and turn as a new experience and a learning opportunity.

Terh Si Li

Valedictorian, Bachelor of Accounting cohort


NUS BBA Accountancy Class of 2019

Click HERE to view some of the most heartwarming and special moments at the commencement ceremonies.

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