Class Act: BIZ Alumni Return to NUS as Class Ambassadors

The BIZAlum team recently held an in-person event for the first time to welcome NUS Biz Class Ambassadors since the start of the pandemic, with support from NUS Office of Alumni Relations (OAR).

The event, Class Ambassador Onboarding Workshop, also marked the first time NUS Biz is organising at a faculty level. OAR previously welcomed Class Ambassadors (CA) at annual university-level events. Across NUS, faculties are now organising events to appoint their respective Class Ambassadors.

The University formally appoints CAs to serve as connectors between their class cohort and the school, providing on-the-ground support such as organising class reunions and other engagement activities. CAs are usually nominated by programme offices or alumni class cohorts.

“A vibrant alumni community requires support and participation from every individual alumnus. We look forward to seeing our alumni community emerging stronger than ever,” said George Heng, Head, BIZAlum, as he welcomed the CAs who attended the Workshop.

George during his opening speech
George during his opening speech

George and his team also invited alumnus Lee Junxian (BBA 2008 and MBA 2014), co-founder and CEO of Moovaz, to share his experience as a CA in 2014.

Lee Junxian (in cap) sharing his experience as a CA
Lee Junxian (in cap) sharing his experience as a CA

Associate Professor Song Zhaoli (Dept of Management & Organisation) joined the workshop, conducting a class based on his research on how leaders can develop foresight and devise solutions to emerging business challenges based on science fiction movies.

During the Workshop, Jin Jing, CA programme Lead at BIZAlum, introduced the CA programme and shared the roles and responsibilities of CAs. Jamie Tan and Benjamin Tey from the School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE) gave a detailed overview of the lifelong learning opportunities available at NUS.

Attendees during the presentations
Attendees during the presentations

The workshop concluded with the presentation of the certificate of appointment to the CAs. And for the BBA cohort’s CA Austin Khong (BBA 2022), it was an opportunity for him to give back to the NUS Biz community.

“I enjoyed my time at NUS Business and am thankful for the platforms and opportunities the school has provided. I used to be involved in the school community as a student in the Bizad Club. I can continue to be involved and help out as an alumnus and Class Ambassador,” said Austin.

Class Ambassadors and guest speakers in discussion
Class Ambassadors and guest speakers in discussion

Please visit or contact the BIZAlum team at to connect with NUS Business School.

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