Choosing NUS Business School was an obvious choice

BBA Year 3 Sharyn C. Poerwanto specialising in Finance and Management tells us why she chose to study in NUS Business School and what she has come to love so far during her time here.

Sharyn (centre in green) and the NUS team at the Champions Trophy in Auckland for its 10th year Anniversary
Sharyn (centre in green) and the NUS team at the Champions Trophy in Auckland for its 10th year Anniversary

I was born and raised in Indonesia, but have been studying in Singapore for the past 10 years. I chose NUS Business School mainly due to the quality and prestige not just within Asia, but on the international stage. With the quality of professors and students it attracts, not only are you able to learn from the best, but also work together alongside talented and amazing individuals who will support and yet, challenge you at the same time. This is probably why my journey in NUS has not only been brilliant, but also fulfilling.

Besides, NUS Business School is situated right in the financial hub of Asia and offers exposure to opportunities for growth. Similarly, I believe the career prospects for a NUS Business School graduate is clearly stronger than most, winning the trust of the best employers in the region.

Sharyn, doing a student share at the 2017 NUS Open House with Vice Dean, Chng Chee Kiong (right) and fellow classmate Albert
Sharyn, doing a student share at the 2017 NUS Open House with Vice Dean, Chng Chee Kiong (right) and fellow classmate Albert

One of the main highlights in university so far is being able to travel the world and represent the School for international case competitions. We recently participated in the HSBC/HKU International Case Competition in Hong Kong, competing against teams from 23 other universities. It was one of the craziest periods of my life, but I can’t be more grateful for the experience I gained and precious things I learnt.

Together with 3 other team members whom I’ve never worked with before, we were given 2.5 hours with no laptops to crack a case and present our solutions in transparencies in front of a panel of HSBC judges. This definitely puts your stamina and focus to the ultimate test.

The NUS team at the HSBC-HKU International Case Comp 2016
The NUS team at the HSBC-HKU International Case Comp 2016

We managed to pass the 3 qualifying rounds into the finals and brought the championship back home after 5 years. This definitely would never have been possible without the continuous support from seniors and alumni who came back to school for our training and shared their guidance with us.

I feel I’m what some might call “spark-plugged” as I believe that enthusiasm is infectious. Not only does it help boost group morale and productivity, but it also helps in making stronger social relationships, giving you a new source of experience and ideas. Don’t hesitate to step out of your comfort zones and try out new experiences because it’s one of the best ways to learn beyond your classroom walls and be exposed to a plethora of hidden opportunities.

Seeing the world’s best during exchange in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Seeing the world’s best during exchange in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Anywhere you go, people skills is important, both in business school and the outside world. Like what Simon Sinek said, “If you don’t understand people, you don’t understand business.” In most situations like projects and work, you’re a part of something that’s bigger than you. At the same time, patience is key. Success or finding ultimate joy in what you do is not a scavenger hunt, it requires continuous commitment and dedicated hard work.

With my background in finance and my personality type, banking seems to be a perfect fit. I know that I work best in a fast-paced, dynamic environment and banking provides just that, alongside an experience to learn from and work with sharp-minded individuals who are able to influence market behaviour.

Being able to explore during the exchange programme brought Sharyn closer to her true love – chocolate. Ft Toblerone’s Matterhorn
Being able to explore during the exchange programme brought Sharyn closer to her true love – chocolate. Ft Toblerone’s Matterhorn

This does not mean that I’m closing my doors to other opportunities. If anything, NUS Business School has taught me that the world is my playground and I am excited to explore any and all opportunities that come my way. I want to challenge society’s paradigm that my generation is “entitled” or “tough to manage”. I stepped foot into university harboring this ambition, and I plan to see it through.

NUS Business School can only be described by its people – it’s where you’ll get to meet the brightest, most audacious, yet humbling people you’ll ever meet.

For more information on the BBA programme, please visit

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