In an International Women’s Day special, five dynamic women share inspiring words about strength in their respective worlds.

Celebrating International Women’s Day: Keep going and be inspired

Wong Shu Qing (BBA Year 4)
President, NUS Women in Business
Q: What keeps you going as a female entrepreneur and business leader?
The people—the committee members in NUS Women In Business who have the passion and put in the work to seek and create new opportunities for NUS female undergraduates who believe in the cause.
Q: Which female leader has inspired you the most?
Sarah Hirini. She is a humble Black Ferns leader who is a role model on and off the field and builds her rugby team with a “people first” culture.
Q: What advice would you give to female juniors?
Find your purpose in what you are doing. The journey will be a roller coaster ride, but your purpose will keep you going towards your goals.
Natalie Koh (EMBA 2022)
Medical Advisor at WhiteCoat Global Founder of Curbside Academy
Cardiologist at NHCS
Q: What keeps you going as a female entrepreneur and business leader?
Problems that are worth solving and keep me up at night that are within my capacity, imagination and daring to work on.
Q: Which female leader has inspired you the most?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s character, measured approach to justice, and lifetime’s commitment to her mission has inspired me the most. I value integrity and consistency, which are reflected in the choices she made in both her personal and professional lives.
Q: What advice would you give to female juniors?
The trick is to be humble without ego and pride getting in the way of execution, but at the same time to have thick enough skin to ask for aid and handle rejection. You’ll also need creativity to work around stumbling blocks, resilience to handle the pivot, and a wellspring of conviction to keep you focused on why you chose this work. Also, be kind and give of yourself without reserve. We all remember most the kindness we receive, especially at the nadir. Pay it forward.
Patricia Yambing (S3 EMBA 2014)
President & CEO at Medilines Distributors Inc.
Q: What keeps you going as a female entrepreneur and business leader?
Self-fulfilment and the ability to provide better lives for others. Challenges can be exciting — They bring me through a journey of self-discovery that makes me a better person.
Q: Which female leader has inspired you the most?
I give honour and absolute respect to all working mothers. The struggle of the working moms’ life is real, but they always pull through. They inherently have the extra patience, flexibility, and creativity to solve problems.
Q: What advice would you give to female juniors?
Believe in yourself. Trust your instincts. Find your tribe. Fail forward. Accept your mistakes and try again. Always go back to your purpose. Through it all, don’t forget to smile. The journey will not be straightforward, but there will be moments of reward that will make everything worthwhile. Bask in these glorious moments to the fullest! You deserve it!
Samantha Thian (BBA 2017)
Founder of Seastainability
Q: What keeps you going as a female entrepreneur and business leader?
Being able to make a positive difference for the environment and underprivileged communities. I derive great purpose and meaning from that.
Q: Which female leader has inspired you the most?
My Philip Yeo Initiative mentor, Natasha Foong. I love her never say die spirit and positive attitude towards continuous learning is truly infectious and inspiring!
Q: What advice would you give to female juniors?
I would say to be open to new experiences and take each challenge as a learning opportunity to grow. Enjoy the process, continually seek to deepen your knowledge and never hesitate to reach out to your support network!
Maialen Urra (MSc in Management 2023)
Purchasing Intern at Danone
Q: What keeps you going as a business leader?
The drive to continually better myself by learning and growing!
Q: Which female leader has inspired you the most?
Rupi Kaur. She is a poetry writer who shares her struggles as an immigrant, person of colour, female and abuse victim, amongst other things, but has worked these struggles around to empower her instead.
Q: What advice would you give to female juniors?
If something is intimidating or scary, use it to empower you. If you’ve made it there, it is for a reason. You should be there.