BIZ Students Take On the BIZ Brand


Every year, NUS Business School contributes bright, talented and cutting-edge marketers to the local and global marketplace. This past semester, in a novel collaboration between the School’s Corporate Communications team and the instructors of the “MKT3714 Marketing in a Digital Age” module, the School leveraged on the smarts and passion of its undergraduate marketing students for a fresh take on the School’s digital presence and branding. This strategic tie-up was facilitated by veteran marketing lecturer Associate Professor Ang Swee Hoon, who maintains strong linkages with eminent industry practitioners. The module’s final project would center on reviewing and making recommendations to the School’s digital communications team, with the promise of the best ideas and campaigns eventually being executed on the School’s digital channels.

MKT3714 students attending the pitch-off client’s brief conducted by Hui Xian
MKT3714 students attending the pitch-off client’s brief conducted by Hui Xian
Kevin chimes in with advice and tips
Kevin chimes in with advice and tips

Simulating a real-world agency pitch-off

The branding campaign project simulated a full advertising agency pitch experience, with the Corporate Communications team playing the role of client, and the student teams playing the role of the agencies. Students received a comprehensive brief from the school’s Head of Corporate Communications, Kevin Lim, and digital communications manager, Loh Hui Xian (BBA Class of 2009). They then put their brains to work over four weeks to give live presentations at the end of the semester.

The project evaluation panel comprised MKT3714 course instructor Chen Shao Chun, an adjunct Professor of Marketing and Sales Manager at Google, Kevin Lim the Head of Corporate Communications at NUS Business School, Hui Xian the Digital Communications Manager and BBA Class of 2009 alumna, and Ang Hui Min the Senior Manager for Corporate Communications.

On the educational objectives undergirding this initiative, Shao Chun believed that “collaborating with the NUS Business School Corporate Communications team was extremely valuable to the students as they got first-hand insights into how a real-world digital marketing team operates, and also the rare opportunity to observe NUS from a different perspective – not just as their school, but as a global, digital brand”.


Students deliver and dazzle

The outcomes were impressive. The thorough analyses, multi-faceted strategies and compelling recommendations put forth by the students earned praises from all parties.

Upon meeting NUS Corp Comms as their "customer", our students displayed a great sense of curiosity to know how a customer and business would think and care about, and also asked effective questions to propose an effective marketing strategy to NUS. – Chen Shao Chun

Student groups present before the evaluation panel
Student groups present before the evaluation panel
Student groups get creative with visual aids
Student groups get creative with visual aids

We were very impressed by the quality of the presentations and the amount of thought and effort the students put into their proposals. Some of the ideas were very insightful and as good as anything you might expect from a commercial agency. – Kevin Lim

“As a client, I was truly impressed at how well and deeply the students understood the brand and digital channels after just a month of research. As an NUS BIZ senior, I left heartened and encouraged by the display of excellence and creativity. With walking brand ambassadors of this caliber leaving our nest every year, the NUS Business School brand and heritage is in good hands.” – Hui Xian, Digital Communications Manager at NUS Business School, BBA Class of 2009

Students pose for a class photo after their final presentations
Students pose for a class photo after their final presentations
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