Better together

The strong camaraderie of the Eastern China Alumni Network (ECAN) shone through at the recent Annual Gathering. Held in Shanghai, China, the event saw 189 alumni from NUS Business School and other faculties attending, as well as government representatives from the Singapore Consulate General in Shanghai, the Singapore Economic Development Board, Singapore Enterprise Centre, SingCham, and the media.

In an address, Zhang Runbin, Vice President of the NUS Shanghai Alumni Chapter and President of ECAN, reflected on the past year. He said, “We experienced the challenge of an unprecedented pandemic, but this also made us think deeper about cherishing what we have, about showing compassion, and about innovation and seeking change.

Vice President of the NUS Shanghai Alumni Chapter and President of the Eastern China Alumni Network Zhang Runbin delivering a speech.
Vice President of the NUS Shanghai Alumni Chapter and President of the Eastern China Alumni Network Zhang Runbin delivering a speech.

On behalf of his hometown Hubei , Runbin expressed his gratitude to the NUS faculty and alumni who had donated funds and supplies to the province last year. At that time, Hubei was one of the earliest regions to be hit by the pandemic.

Besides this campaign, many alumni had contributed to the school and societies in their own way. For the first time at the ECAN annual gathering, six awards were given out to 13 alumni as a recognition for their contributions over the years. Congratulations to the recipients!

Social Contribution Award

Zhang Runbin – EMBA (Chinese) Intake 8, President of the ECAN

Lan Jia – EMBA (Chinese) Intake 26

Excellent Torch Bearer Award

Bian Jiang – EMBA (Chinese) Intake 26

Wang Lingqiu – EMBA (Chinese) Intake 24

Zhang Zeyu – EMBA (Chinese) Intake 21

Best Organiser Award

Shi Dongsheng – EMBA (Chinese) Intake 21 and Secretary General of the ECAN

Jin Wenli – EMBA (Chinese) Intake 20 and Secretary General of the Zhejiang Alumni Chapter

Selfless Dedication Award

Jiang Yu – EMBA (Chinese) Intake 27

Shi Wei – EMBA (Chinese) Intake 24

Xu Yue – EMBA (Chinese) Intake 21 and committee member of the Zhejiang Alumni Chapter

Best Innovator Award

Xu Xiaowei – EMBA (Chinese) Intake 16 and committee member of the Zhejiang Alumni Chapter

Sun Dazhao – EMBA (Chinese) Intake 22

Heartwarming Mentor Award

Adjunct Professor Chen Chunhua – Department of Management & Organisation During the pandemic, Prof Chen flew to Shanghai twice to support ECAN’s activities and shared the latest research insights with alumni.

For the first time at the ECAN annual gathering, six awards were given out to 13 alumni as a recognition for their contributions over the years.
For the first time at the ECAN annual gathering, six awards were given out to 13 alumni as a recognition for their contributions over the years.

At the gathering, she also delivered a lecture on “Keywords for 2021”. She shared her insights on the business outlook for 2021, as well as strategies for firms to navigate the new environment. For example, firms should focus on creating value for customers. Digitalisation, collaboration and continuous organisational learning are also key aspects.

Adjunct professor of management and organisation Chen Chunhua delivering a lecture on “Keywords for 2021”.
Adjunct professor of management and organisation Chen Chunhua delivering a lecture on “Keywords for 2021”.

The gathering also saw ECAN holding a welcome session for some of the new students in EMBA (Chinese) Intake 29, whose admissions and classes faced delays and disruptions due to the pandemic.

Wang Ziyi, one of the new students, said she saw the meaning of diversity, integration, openness and innovation at the annual gathering, and felt proud to be a member of NUS.

It was a great night for our alumni!

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