Be AGILE, Be Open

Q: Could you start us off by introducing yourself!

I’m Hanafi, an alumni of the NUS BBA programme, class of 2019! I specialised in Management and Human Capital during my NUSBIZ days. My interests span all things technical and mechanical, especially watches and cars; naturally, I have an affinity for seeking an understanding of complex systems and research and innovation processes.


Q: Going back a few steps, what made you decide to do Business in university?

I had always been fascinated with leaders who could influence and motivate those under their charge, while running complex organizations in uncertain conditions. At the same time, I also felt I had an entrepreneurial streak in me – growing up, I tried to turn every hobby I had into a business opportunity, from selling trading cards to bicycles!

When I was considering the different courses, I was most impressed to find that the Business curriculum covers a wide breadth of business and non-business disciplines. I knew that a Business education would be the key to unravelling major insights behind successful leaders and organizations, and my heart was set on that.


Q: How has the NUS Business School facilitated your growth journey?

The statistical skills I garnered in Data Analytics modules for example, have been very useful in helping me build dashboards and track recruiting metrics in my present role; where the opportunity arises, picking up foundational coding skills would be a big plus too!

The outside of the classroom support received was also instrumental in shaping my personal and professional growth. Career fairs and networking sessions organised by the BIZCareers office helped me break out of my shell and become an effective networker. The dedicated one-to-one support with my career advisor also allowed me to better understand and chart my career trajectory post-graduation.

Hanafi (extreme right) with his classmates
Hanafi (extreme right) with his classmates
Q: If you had one word to share, what would it be and why?


Keep an open mind and be ever-ready to unlearn what you previously knew. Trends and technologies are changing on a dime. To get ahead of the curve, a growth mindset is absolutely necessary, and that means being open to constant upheaval, new challenges, and feedback. Embrace diversity in every sense – especially the diversity of thought and diversity of the connections you make. And perhaps equally as important is to be open and bold in speaking up and taking charge.

Hanafi (extreme right) with his classmates on his graduation day.
Hanafi (extreme right) with his classmates on his graduation day.
Q: Any final words of advice for your juniors?

I am fond of the saying “If it is both terrifying and amazing, you should definitely pursue it”. Step out of your comfort zone, for it is in the terrifying and amazing that you will find the most valuable opportunities for growth and learning.

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