Be AGILE, Be Daring

Q: Hi Natalie! Could you give us a quick introduction of yourself?

A: Hello! I am Natalie, a recent graduate from NUS Business School with a specialisation in Marketing. Prior to NUS, I pursued a Diploma in Marketing at Temasek Polytechnic.

I’ve always been passionate about creating meaningful customer experiences and connecting people through the impact of Marketing. My current role as a Marketing Specialist in Amazon gives me the opportunity to do just that, and I couldn’t be more thankful to join such a fun and dynamic company upon graduation.

Class of 2020 alumna Natalie Ng at her place of work, Amazon
Class of 2020 alumna Natalie Ng at her place of work, Amazon

Q: What do you do at Amazon, and how has the experience been for you?

A: As a Marketing Specialist in Amazon, I support events and partnerships for Amazon Global Selling in Singapore. I come under the E-Commerce arm, but focus on the B2B business, where I organise events and activities to drive new seller recruitment. Simply put, I help Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) go online and find success by selling on Amazon stores worldwide.

It has been especially meaningful and relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic where SMBs are realising the importance of diversifying their business model and finding new ways to succeed. Selling on Amazon enables businesses, aspiring entrepreneurs and even individuals to reach exponentially more customers locally and globally without a huge capital investment.

Q: How has NUS Business School facilitated your growth journey?

A: Through internships! NUS BIZ intentionally brings career roadshows, information sessions to our doorstep. We’ve even given access to a comprehensive jobs and internships application portal “NUS TalentConnect”, where potential recruiters list available opportunities. I think timing is of the essence in any job or internship search when applying for an internship and this portal does a wonderful job keeping students up to speed with relevant openings. It was through this portal that I secured an internship, which led to an offer to join Amazon full-time.

Q: If you had one word to share with the juniors on what to be, what would it be and why?

A: Be AGILE, Be Daring.

Do not be afraid to take risks and chart your own course. I took the slightly less conventional path of taking a semester off school to intern at Amazon, which resulted in a delay in graduation, but also a full-time offer! Do what you think is best and trust your instincts. Most importantly, find good mentors and peers. I was fortunate to learn from kind and nurturing bosses – Anna and Parvej during my internship with Amazon who genuinely care about my personal growth.

Don't be afraid to take risks, and seek out mentors for advice.

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