Attending NUS Business School is more than just about starting a business

To BAC Year 4 Freddie Teo, with a specialisation in Finance, NUS Business School has been a rewarding and holistic programme that inspires students to always strive for excellence. Outside-in speaks to him to find out how his past four years have been truly one of a kind.

Freddie (left) with his Consulting Practicum team at J.P. Morgan presenting their proposal on the implications of FinTech within the Transaction Banking landscape
Freddie (left) with his Consulting Practicum team at J.P. Morgan presenting their proposal on the implications of FinTech within the Transaction Banking landscape
Q: What are the key highlights for you, studying at NUS Business School?

Over the four years, I have participated in various international case competitions, worked closely with industry practitioners like J.P. Morgan, on consulting practicums and most importantly created memorable moments with team mates who are now friends.

Q: What exactly does “Business” mean for those wondering?

Business is the formulation of strategic decisions that drive the growth of any organisation, for-profit or not-for-profit organisations alike. Contrary to popular belief, attending business school does not only teach you how to start a business. In fact, a greater amount of emphasis is placed on developing specific skill sets within fields such as Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain Management and Management & Organisation. More importantly, the curriculum equips you with the ability to think strategically and critically when making key business decisions.

Weekend trip to New York during Freddie’s student exchange program!
Weekend trip to New York during Freddie’s student exchange program!
Q: How did you come to decide to apply to NUS Business School 4 years ago? 

NUS Business School has consistently topped the charts in various school rankings. More importantly though, the international recognition and global reputation that the School enjoys opens up many avenues and platforms for personal development. Example, this translates to the number of partner schools for student exchange programmes, strong business relationships with companies for internship opportunities and the ability to participate in international case competitions due to NUS’ strong presence within the international case scene.

Q: What do you think is your greatest achievement in these four years? 

It was definitely the time when my team and I clinched the championship at an international case competition held in Belgrade, Serbia. This was a competition that brought 15 other established universities to compete against each other in formulating strategic business recommendations to an actual company. To be able to exchange pointers with the brightest minds across the world while experiencing the unique Serbian culture was definitely one of the most satisfying experiences I have had at NUS Business School.

Champions of Belgrade Business International Case Competition (BBICC) in Serbia
Champions of Belgrade Business International Case Competition (BBICC) in Serbia
Q: What are the top 3 survival tips for incoming or even current students? 

I think we all need to be inquisitive, confident and optimistic. The rigorous curriculum at NUS Business School has trained me to challenge status quo and think of new ways to enhance current processes. Not only that, countless presentations have helped me to be more confident when articulating my thoughts to a large audience as well. Finally, as with other faculties, pursuing a degree is never easy. As such, it is important to stay optimistic and share the optimism with your peers, making life in school way more enjoyable.

Q: What are your plans after graduation?

I’m looking forward to working in the financial services industry. I believe with the skill sets attained during my time at NUS Business School and my internships, I would be able to value add and aid my new team to problem solve.

Having the best times with international friends at Thammasat University Business Challenge (TUBC) in Thailand!
Having the best times with international friends at Thammasat University Business Challenge (TUBC) in Thailand!
Q: Any advice for students still mulling over their decision on whether to enrol with NUS Business School?

Murphy’s Law will apply during your time at NUS Business School but that is the beauty of it all! Don’t be afraid of failures. As cliche as it sounds, the harder you fall, the higher you bounce. Learn to make the most of your failures and turn these valuable experiences into future opportunities for success!

To find out more about the BBA programme, please visit

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