Toh Hong Giep holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree, but he wants to keep on learning. At 49, he joined the NUS Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) programme to further his knowledge in this field. Now a part-time MSBA student, Hong Giep, who works full-time as Director, IT, Singapore Land Authority, shares his learning journey.   

Q: You have a NUS BSc in Computer Systems & Information Science degree and an INSEAD-Tsinghua Executive MBA degree. What spurred you to join the NUS MSBA programme?  

I have always had an interest in computer science and coding. However, as my professional career develops over the years, I spend increasingly more time on management. The NUS MSBA presents a great opportunity to get my hands “dirty” again. I also wanted to dwell deeper into data analytics—one of the hottest topics in the industry now. I wanted to seize this opportunity to be a part of this programme and I am thankful to be accepted. 

Q: What are your views on lifelong learning? Was there hesitation in taking up another degree at a more mature age?  

I believe in lifelong learning. Our world is evolving so fast, much faster than it was in the last two centuries. We need to continuously learn to make sense of this changing world, to live harmoniously with it and not at odds with it.  

I expected the MSBA programme to be a challenging one. Naturally, I wondered if I was able to keep pace with the class. When I took a step back, I recognised that this was no different from embarking on a major project at work. Yes, there were doubts and uncertainties. However, I am also not alone; I have classmates and faculty members whom I can turn to when I face problems. With the support available, I am confident that I will be able to manage. 

Q: How has the MSBA curriculum benefitted you?  

Technically, this programme has definitely given me a more in-depth understanding of business analytics. It has equipped me with the knowledge and tools to handle business analytics challenges. I feel more confident and empowered when I collaborate with my stakeholders and my team.  

On the other hand, working and learning side-by-side with fellow classmates have also given me a better understanding of what goes on behind the minds of millennials. They are not all “soft and easily hurt”. They have their aspirations and are willing to “chiong” (local slang for strive) for them. I feel energised working alongside them. 

Q: You have had experience with the school’s careers office BIZCareers. How do you see a more experienced individual like yourself benefit from career sessions? 

As mentioned earlier, the world has changed, and it will continue to change; recruitment and job-hunting are no different. Companies rely more on technology to help filter candidates and match them to open roles. CVs nowadays need to get past the system before it can reach a recruiter. BIZCareers is really helpful in sharing how best to work with those systems and provides valuable guidance on crafting a CV that brings out the true value of the person. I have also enjoyed my conversations with my counsellor, Kenneth Lam, where he shares candidly from his experience with job market trends and how best to tap on those trends.  


Find out more about what the NUS MSBA programme has to offer at 

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