And the Deloitte Bear goes to…

Getting noticed in a big four accounting firm takes skill, hard work, courage and charisma. Even more so when you are an intern looking to make a good impression. That is why congratulations are in order for NUS BBA Accounting students Lee Leong Hui (BAC Year 4) and Yu Lixia (BAC Year 3) who have been awarded Deloitte’s “Intern of the Week”.

Leong Hui joined Deloitte in Dec 2017 to Feb 2018 as part of Deloitte’s winter internship programme.

“Interning at Deloitte has been a steep but rewarding learning curve. You need to take the initiative to work independently and not be afraid to suggest new ways to improve the workflow and efficiency of the team,” he said.

Leong Hui (sitting) receiving the Deloitte bear for his great performance during his internship
Leong Hui (sitting) receiving the Deloitte bear for his great performance during his internship

Toby Kwan, Director, Deloitte Financial Advisory recognises his resourcefulness. “Leong Hui has a commendable positive attitude and he always does things with a smile. It is no surprise that he is well–liked and valued by everybody else in the team,” he says.

Lixia also followed a similar journey, having joined Deloitte for the same programme.

For her, time management and conscientiousness is the secret to her success.

Lixia (centre with bear) with her team from Audit and Assurance
Lixia (centre with bear) with her team from Audit and Assurance

“Approach everything with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Also, do not shy away from challenges and proactively offer to help with tasks,” she said.

According to Loh Hwee Ming, Director, Deloitte Audit and Assurance, “Lixia has performed consistently well in her engagement and received positive feedback from her team. She is also a team player who has added a great value to the engagement process.”

For both Leong Hui and Lixia, the people at Deloitte have made their internships rewarding experiences.

According to Leong Hui, “the key takeaway from my internship experience is definitely the people. The seniors and fellow interns are all very friendly and supportive, creating an extremely enjoyable working environment for me.”

“I like the nurturing, warm environment and the people. The engagement team and fellow interns have been very supportive and friendly and I really enjoyed the time spent here with the team and newfound friends,” Lixia added.

For more information on the NUS BBA programme, please visit

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