Alumnus siblings who give back together

Many of Business School’s donors tend to be alumni who are keen to give back to their old faculty. However, Business School donor Wilson Ang is a Bachelor of Science (Real Estate Management) graduate from 1990.

Influenced by his elder sister, Grace Ang (BAC 1984), who initiated the setting up of a bursary in memory of their parents in 2013 – the NUS Business School Alumni Association –  Mr and Mrs Ang Khai Wee Memorial Bursary, Wilson decided to follow up with another scholarship to help needy Business School Students.  This is how the Wilson Ang and Joyce Chong Scholarship was established.

“Grace, myself, together with my other siblings, had previously established a bursary under the name of our late parents. This inspired me to extend the donation so as to help more needy students when I was ready to do so,” said Wilson.

Outside-In recently spoke to Wilson and Grace about what inspires them to give back.

Grace Ang (left) and Wilson Ang (third from left) with fellow donors, faculty and students at the School’s 2019 Undergraduate Scholarship and Bursary Awards Appreciation Dinner.
Grace Ang (left) and Wilson Ang (third from left) with fellow donors, faculty and students at the School’s 2019 Undergraduate Scholarship and Bursary Awards Appreciation Dinner.
Q: What was it like for you during your days as a student?

Grace: My father passed away when I was in my first year at National Junior College. My mother could not support the university fees, but I successfully applied for the NUS Accountancy Bursary.

Under the Bursary, I received $1,500 for three years. Without the bursary, I would not be where I am today. NUS Business School gave me not only the education but also the confidence and self-esteem that propelled my career growth.

Wilson: I was in Primary 6 when dad passed away and I remember how tough it was for my mum to raise a big family of eleven children. Being the second youngest child in my family, I was lucky to be able to receive support for my education from my siblings who had started working. I would like to help needy students, who may not have elder sibling to provide financial help like I did, to transform their lives.

Q: What advice do you have for the recipients of your respective bursary and scholarship?

Grace: I strongly encourage them to contribute back to society if they have the means to do so in the future.

Wilson: Having benefited from the scholarship, I hope it will encourage them to pay it forward to help other needy students when they are in a position to do so after graduation.

Strive to do well in life regardless of their situation and overcome all challenges

Q: Do you have advice for students who may be discouraged by wealth/social inequality?

Wilson:  As a student, I saw my peers often being chauffeured to school and wearing branded watches and shoes, I envied them but didn’t feel discouraged. Instead, I was motivated to study even harder as I knew that’s the only way to improve my life and achieve my financial goal.

Grace: Strive to do well in life regardless of their situation and overcome all challenges. What matters is what we can do about it. There are channels where needy students can seek help and support. There are generous donors around who are willing to give a helping hand. Finally, never give up to plan and work hard for my own future!

Wilson is a Senior Advisor and non-executive at ESR Funds Management, while Grace is Financial Services Director at AIA.

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