The Alumni Donor Stories is a regular series that explores a Bizad alumni’s giving journey. Tan Boon Chin (EMBA 2003) shares his story.

Q: Tell us about yourself, please.

I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from NUS in 1981 and later completed the NUS Executive MBA in 2003. I joined a Japanese company NEC Corporation in 1981 and was posted to Japan for a 2-year training program. Since then, I have been with the company serving actively in the Asia-Pacific.

One of my loves is running. I started doing road-relay running since I was in school, and I have continued this pursuit even today. I ran a full marathon in 1980, and it was a most enriching experience. But I had to prepare and train for it by taking part in quarter and half marathons.

Another of my favourite pastime is travelling. I remember joining the Travel Services in NUS and went on many budget tours in the region. Partly also due to my work, I have travelled to almost every corner of the earth. Japan is naturally my most-travelled destination. I have been to nearly all the iconic spots in Japan, except Okinawa.

Q: When did you start your giving journey? Do you remember your first time?

I believe it started when I was in school serving as a venture scout. During Scout Job Week, I would go door-to-door, asking residents to donate in exchange for performing some tasks. I remember doing all kinds of tasks like mowing the garden, polishing antiques, cleaning windows and many other menial tasks. The work was daunting but fun as we will help raise funds for charity in the process. I would say my involvement in this movement helped shaped my attitude towards charitable work.

I also learn the value of giving from my family. When I started working and earning some money, giving an allowance to my parents was the norm. While this type of giving is part of filial piety and respect for my parents, I believe the very act helped imbibe in me the value of thinking beyond myself. Sometimes, there would be appeals for donation on TV programmes, and I would respond by occasionally giving for certain causes. But these were on an ad-hoc basis. Now, I would describe my giving as more intentional and purpose-driven.

Q: What led you to give to NUSBSA Bursary Fund?

I was fortunate to live in a traditional family where my parents highly valued education, and they were also able to support me financially. I know of students who had to give up their studies and start work to help out in the financial support of their family. With the bit of contribution that I make, I can help alleviate someone’s financial situation to continue their studies. I hope to do my small part in helping to narrow the educational disparities and disadvantages that less fortunate members of our community face. I firmly believe that education is the way forward to a better life and future for these families. Education is critical to me as I wouldn’t be where I am without a good education.

When I first joined NUSBSA somewhere in 2006, I was fortunate to have a few iconic donors in the Board of Directors who were the champions for the NUSBSA Bursary. Their passion inspired and their vision resonated with me. Later on, the NUSBSA Experience Fund was set up to help needy students who had wanted to but could not travel overseas to gain some degree of educational exposure. Such overseas stints may sound like a luxury to some, but BSA believes such an experience is essential for our students as we compete in a highly globalised world. Singapore is now a developed country, and the challenges our students face today are different from those I met when I was in university. We firmly believe that students should be supported and given a chance to be exposed and develop a global mindset and international savviness.

This is ultimately good for Singapore’s future in the new normal. I am glad that I could share this vision with my EMBA class (APEX10) to donate to this fund via NUSBSA.

Q: What advice would you give those who not know where and how to start with giving?

If you have never given before, you may want to start small. Giving doesn’t have to involve huge sums of money – like your Bill Gates and Warren Buffet – though if you have the means, by all means, give as much as you can. NUS has a donation programme where you can give small sums of money regularly. You can contact NUS Development Office.

For those who are looking for a worthy cause to give to, do speak to us. Join us in our alumni activities. Besides networking, wining and dining, alumni associations do many good deeds to benefit the community. Start by being involved and giving your time to serve. Once you can part with your precious time – which money cannot buy – for a worthy cause, gradually parting with your money will become easier.

Finally, involve your friends and classmates. You may initiate a fund that can be named after your cohort and, together as a class, contribute to something meaningful in NUS. If you wish to do so, please reach out to us, and we will be delighted to walk this giving journey with you.