The Alumni Donor Stories is a regular series that explores a Bizad alumni’s giving journey. Ow Tai Zhi (BBA 2011) shares his story.

Q: Tell us more about yourself and your background 

I graduated in 2011 and co-founded a robo-advisor AutoWealth in 2015 with fellow alumnus Noel Lee. I joined NUSBSA in 2016 and was the Chairperson of the NUSBSA Charity Run 2017 & 2018. I enjoy community service, especially when I can put my professional experience and skills into doing good.

Q: When did you start your giving journey? What led you to give back to NUS Business School? 

I came from a humble background and struggled financially through my three years of polytechnic studies, studying from the morning to afternoon and working part-time in an alfresco pub atop Mount Faber till 3 am every day. It was a painful experience I wish no one would ever have to go through again. In 2019, Noel & I started the AutoWealth bursary fund. 

Many people give back when they became very successful financially in life. Having a start-up DNA, Noel & I decided to dream big and started the AutoWealth bursary fund even before we reach a million-dollar net worth.

Q: What advice would you give to those who do not know where and how to start in Giving?

One doesn’t need to be a millionaire to do good. We can always start with baby steps at our own comfortable pace and way. The spirit of giving is key; the form & manner are secondary. If not now, when? 

The story first appeared on NUSBSA. Alumni who wish to join NUSBSA can connect with fellow alumni and get exclusive access to events and programmes.