A tale of two business schools

The K-A Bonnier International Fellows Programme incorporates a collaboration with NUS Business School and Stockholm School of Economics (SSE). Students will study for a year at SSE and another year at NUS enrolled under the MSc Management programme , and will gain two Master degrees. The programme aims to promote business activity between the Nordics and Southeast Asia and to help exceptionally talented students acquire the knowledge and tools needed to succeed in a diverse entrepreneurial context. This opportunity is specifically geared towards students with a passion for entrepreneurship and SME growth in Southeast Asia and the Nordic countries where students will gain a better understanding of the theory and reality of doing business in two very different regions.

From left: Mai Pham, Josefina Hagberg, Wasita Thongdee and Marta Eriksson
From left: Mai Pham, Josefina Hagberg, Wasita Thongdee and Marta Eriksson

The first recipients of the fellowship are Mai Pham, Wasita Thongdee, Josefina Hagberg and Marta Eriksson from Class of 2019. As part of this programme, the fellows also have the opportunity to complete an internship in either the Nordics or in Southeast Asia, a membership in an alumni community, a mentor and a generous scholarship. They share their experience of having spent one semester in Singapore.

Mai Pham, Vietnam

“The International Management program at NUS Business School offers many hands-on experiences for me to apply knowledge learnt to real-life problems. In this semester, we are doing projects with two companies as part of the curriculum and it is simply awesome. The well-connected Faculty invite industry experts to share with us their experiences as well as bring us to company visits. I’ve had the chance to hear from the CMO of a giant tech company, the Head of Value Creation in a Private Equity Firm and have visited a handful of start-ups within the past two months. All of these experiences have made my one-year stint in NUS exciting and fulfilling.”

Josefina Hagberg, Sweden

“As a K-A Bonnier Fellow, I was really looking forward to getting an international degree and learning more about business in South-East Asia. However, I had no idea how enriching it would be until I began studying the MSc in Management Programme at NUS Business School. Not only have I gotten a new perspective on Asian business but I have met and worked together with people from all over the world. NUS is truly international and so far, I have gained a lot of knowledge about different cultures and countries that I am certain will benefit me both personally and professionally.”

Wasita Thongdee, Thailand

“The perfect match between NUS Business School and Stockholm School of Economics is not just a fancy saying! My career goal is to found an international trading business, and KAB-IFP will speed up the progress as I will gain global visions by being exposed to the innovative business environment in Stockholm and studying intensive management courses in Singapore. The foundation courses at SSE really prepped me for my classes at NUS Business School, enabling me to apply the learnings from SSE to the hands-on business practice at NUS very efficiently. Such advantages enable me to develop new skills, such as creating a storytelling video for a brand! Additionally, the culturally diverse community at NUS has expanded my vision and peaked my interest in so many business topics that will come in useful for master’s thesis.”

Marta Eriksson, Sweden

“I came to NUS Business School because I wanted an exceptional education in management and business, and also learn more about different cultures. So far, my experience here has exceeded those expectations: I learn something new every day and our classroom discussions, which feature perspectives from more than 30 nationalities, is truly enriching! My passion for leadership and entrepreneurship has guided me through a lot of choices in life and to study these subjects on two highly ranked schools is something that I see as a great privilege. By being part of the Karl-Adam Bonnier International Fellows Programme, I hope to achieve a future in which I can use and develop my passion for entrepreneurship and leadership – creating an impact and making a difference every day. ”

To read more about their adventure, follow their KAB Fellows’ blog: https://www.hhs.se/en/education/study-at-sse/global-opportunities/k.a.-bonnier-international-fellows-program/student-blog/ 

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