A memorable student life in school builds a strong support network

The world we live in now, almost all solutions can be “googled”. Whether it is on the topic of human resource policies, product marketing, or even designing an analytics model. The biggest question is then, how do you differentiate yourself?

To me, a business student needs to be two things – professional, yet also creative and fun. To lead and excel in this climate, we need to consider the skills that appeal to the rising start-up environment. In this vein, my advice is to enjoy what you’re studying, figure out which field you’re genuinely interested in, then look into the paradigm shifts in that particular area!

At NUS Business School, you’ll learn that there’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach. Having a compelling and memorable student life was the most important factor when I was choosing between the different business programmes in Singapore. I felt that balance sheets do not change regardless of which school you go to, neither do management theories “expire” because of the school you choose.

Junjie in a lobster suit at the Bizad Leaders’ Night 2015 which coincided with his 23rd birthday
Junjie in a lobster suit at the Bizad Leaders’ Night 2015 which coincided with his 23rd birthday

Over the years, I’ve come to identify with three important values: care for each other, integrity to judge between what’s right and what’s wrong, and the spirit of working together as a team. Here in school, the seniors and juniors have strong bonds because of our closely-knit community. Everyone is always ready to lend a helping hand whenever required. You’ll need friends even when you become successful; else it’s going to be lonely!

Being elected as the President of the 29th Management Committee of NUS Students’ Business Club (BizAd) is the most extraordinary piece of memory I have in NUS Business School. Serving the school for 2 years, knowing the traditions inside-out and working with different stakeholders across faculties, I’ll never regret any bit of it.

(Top) The whole Business Rag Committee on the last day of Business Rag Camp. (Bottom) Together with my Orientation Group that Junjie was in charged of during Rag and Flag
(Top) The whole Business Rag Committee on the last day of Business Rag Camp. (Bottom) Together with my Orientation Group that Junjie was in charged of during Rag and Flag

During the 2015 special edition Rag and Flag, which was held in conjunction with SG50, the university performed and showcased our floats at the Marina Bay Floating Platform. It was definitely a crowning moment when NUS Business School once again clinched the Gold Award for our Rag Performance. I was the Vice Project Director (Internal) for that year’s Business Rag Committee.

My dream is to become a social entrepreneur. I believe that when you’re driven passionately by your own actions, even with the smallest impact, your own pair of hands possess the power of brightening another person’s life whatever their plight. It’s all worth it in the end. When I’m bored with my assignments, I like to read up on the social sector and on social causes, going for volunteering events or events that promote social awareness.

The NUS Students’ Business Club (Bizad Club)’s 29th Management Committee (MC) overseas retreat in Bali, Indonesia
The NUS Students’ Business Club (Bizad Club)’s 29th Management Committee (MC) overseas retreat in Bali, Indonesia

NUS Business School is the closest resemblance of a safe haven that exposes you to a sea of opportunities and possibilities. I’ll never forget the amount of fun that encompassed my formal education, and the people I’ve come across that made my University life so much more meaningful.

For more information on the BBA programme, please visit bba.nus.edu.sg.

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