A generous gift to support education – the Mr & Mrs Wu Jieh Yee Memorial Scholarship

Last Friday, 17 February, the Undergraduate Scholarship and Bursary Awards
Appreciation Dinner, was held at the NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House. Ms Ngiam Siew Wei, whose mother, Madam Wu Po Kin, Jean, established the Mr & Mrs Wu Jieh Yee Memorial Scholarship, shared about her grandparents’ and parents’ continuous commitment to support Education.

Student recipients at the Undergraduate Scholarship and Bursary Awards Appreciation Dinner 2017
Student recipients at the Undergraduate Scholarship and Bursary Awards Appreciation Dinner 2017
An evening for all fortunate recipients of bursary and scholarship awards, to thank the support of all generous donors
An evening for all fortunate recipients of bursary and scholarship awards, to thank the support of all generous donors

The Mr & Mrs Wu Jieh Yee Memorial Scholarship was established in 2009. To date, the scholarship has benefitted 14 exceptional students, where seven have since graduated.

My grandfather did not have the chance to get much formal education, but valued it, and never stopped practicing Chinese calligraphy and reading, even during World War Two. Despite the constant moves during the war, my grandparents taught all six of their children, including my mother, Maths and Chinese, and even Callisthenics. After the war, they made sure all their children graduated from university. Before their passing, they had supported various educational institutions in Canada, China and Hong Kong.

Ms Ngiam Siew Wei sharing about her grandparents’ pursuit of learning
Ms Ngiam Siew Wei sharing about her grandparents’ pursuit of learning

It is with the same spirit that my mother, established the Mr & Mrs Wu Jieh Yee Memorial Scholarship in their honour. My mum and all of us, are so proud of these students, and are convinced that supporting this scholarship is the right thing.

Whether you are a bursary or scholarship recipient, you deserve your success. You must feel fortunate to have been chosen among your fellow classmates who are equally talented and hardworking. So, it is not out of place to reflect the good fortune to be studying here at NUS Business School, and to have been given a helping hand along the way. With that in mind, for yourself to also give back in any way you are able to.

Ms Ngiam Siew Wei (seated, first from the right) and her mother, Madam Po Kin (seated, second from the right), together with attendees of the appreciation dinner
Ms Ngiam Siew Wei (seated, first from the right) and her mother, Madam Po Kin (seated, second from the right), together with attendees of the appreciation dinner
Vice Dean, Prof Chng Chee Kiong (right) welcoming on stage the donors of the Mr & Mrs Wu Jieh Yee Memorial Scholarship, to present the scholarship awards
Vice Dean, Prof Chng Chee Kiong (right) welcoming on stage the donors of the Mr & Mrs Wu Jieh Yee Memorial Scholarship, to present the scholarship awards

For all fellow donors and supporters of the School, whether you are a relative, teacher, university lecturer, public officer, education is the surest way to economic security for us and our children. Along the way, we discover that our giving not only helps those who benefit directly, but also ourselves. The virtuous cycle has much more room to grow.

Recipients of the Mr & Mrs Wu Jieh Yee Memorial Scholarship also share their heartfelt gratitude.

BBA Year 2 Lim Tze Wei, who is a majoring in Finance says, “I am very touched by the generosity of the donors. The scholarship allowed me to focus on my studies, participate in activities and achieve a holistic education. The baton has been passed to me through this pure act of kindness. It is now my responsibility to carry the baton and pass it on to the next.”

BBA Year 2 Low Qiran, also a major in Finance emphasised, “Receiving the scholarship is a huge encouragement, knowing that someone sees my potential and invests in me. It motivates me to do my best, to show my gratitude to the Mr & Mrs Wu Jieh Yee Memorial Scholarship. To my Bizad friends, believe in yourself and go for your dreams. But stay humble, and be true to yourself.”

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