Sun Xiushun
Founder & Chairman, Winning International Group
EMBAC, Class of 2012
Mr. Sun Xiushun is the Founder and Chairman of Winning International Group.
2003 Sun Xiushun founded Winning (Hong Kong) Shipping Co., Ltd. (predecessor of Winning International Group) to provide bulk cargo transportation services to non-ferrous metals companies in markets such as China, Indonesia, and Singapore. This was the start of an era for ‘Winning’ in shipping.
2006 Winning Alliance (S) Pte. Ltd was set up in Singapore. Due to the huge potential and geographical advantages of the Southeast Asian market, Winning Singapore gradually developed into the headquarters for Winning’s business operations. Mr. Sun Xiushun further consolidated the numerous entities of the company under the flagship company of Winning. These entities include: ship chartering, ship-owning, fleet management, integrated logistics, resource development, trade services and other businesses.
2010 Winning International Group was established and headquartered in Singapore. It has offices in China, Indonesia, Guinea and other countries and has business dealings with Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Brazil, Dominica, India, Guinea and many other countries.
2013 At the initiative of Sun Xiushun, a coalition of several multinational corporations, SMB Winning Consortium was formally established in West Africa. The alliance is dedicated to developing a Guinea-Singapore-China maritime mining supply chain, thereby providing a network connecting resources and enterprises in China, Southeast Asia and Africa.
2016 Sun Xiushun was awarded the title of Honorary Consul of the Republic of Guinea in Singapore by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guinea and the Singaporean government.
2018 Mr Sun Xiushun was granted an rare honor title in Guinea, i.e. Grade d’Officier de l’Ordre National du Mérite by a decree of the Government of the Republic for his great contributions the economy and people’s livelihood of Guinea.
2019 Under the leadership of Sun Xiushun, Winning Consortium won the bid for the Simandou Iron Ore Blocks 1 and 2 in Guinea. To develop the project, Winning Consortium Simandou was established with Sun Xiushun himself as the chairman of the board.
Sun Xiushun has DBA doctor degree from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business-Singapore Management University, EMBAs from both the National University of Singapore and the China Europe International Business School.
He is also visiting professor at Shanghai Maritime University.