Jacqueline Ong (Jackie)
President, Abenson Group
NUS APEX MBA, Class of 2009
Walter Lim
Director, Business Development, Abenson Group
UCLA-NUS EMBA, Class of 2009
“We were exposed to the business at a young age. Since primary school, we would spend our summer breaks in the office helping to file documents or create marketing posters,” says Walter. “As kids, we would also help sell or demonstrate products in-store. And, on the weekends, we would all go on store visits as part of our Sunday lunch outing.”
Growing up watching their parents build up Abenson Group, the family consumer electronics business, brother and sister duo Jackie and Walter had entrepreneurship running through their veins since young. There was always an unspoken drive to help in the family business, and to contribute and take it to the next level.
So, it comes as no surprise that the siblings have seen the company go through many different types of challenges over the years, such as the gradual market shifts in the consumer electronics industry and lagging foreign investment in the Philippines. The key to overcoming these various obstacles? Focusing on innovation, entrepreneurial spirit and company values. This attitude helped the company adapt quickly to economic changes, predict the next good move, and grow the business together with employees, customers, partners and stakeholders.
Studying in NUS was a unique experience for them, as they were taught the best practices in business from a global perspective, and how to apply these practices to Asia and the region. The education here also taught them excellent business strategies and execution methods, so that they could become better leaders to lead the organisation well, and simultaneously grow and develop their employees.
“One of my favorite memories from NUS is the friendships I built,” says Jackie. “While the learning was important, it’s the connections that have stayed most meaningful to me. It’s great to see how everyone has grown in their personal and professional lives and found success in their own ways, and I appreciate the bond that has continued to bring us together.”
Ultimately, Jackie and Walter truly believe in the power of entrepreneurship – to help the economy, country and people. The Abenson motto of “Doing Well, by Doing Good” encourages them to keep providing gainful employment, bringing joy to customers and positively impacting as many communities and lives as possible.