The Alumni Donor Stories is a regular series that explores a Bizad alumni’s giving journey. Connie Ong (BAC 1987) shares her story.
Q: Tell us about yourself and your background
I graduated from NUS Business School in 1987 and worked in the accounting, investment and private banking industries for 33 years before retiring last year. My hobbies used to be travelling the world, but since COVID-19, it has changed to trekking every Park Connector Network (PCN), walking every park and visiting every mural in Singapore. My most significant success in 2020 is being recognised by the Singapore Book of Records for completing the 150km Round Island Route!
Q: When did you start your giving journey? Do you remember your first time?
My giving journey started with my family, and after marriage, with my very enlarged family. Besides financial giving, my husband and I spent a lot of time advising our families on their investment and retirement plans; and their children’s education and career choices. With that, over the last twenty years or so, ten of our nephews and nieces from Malaysia have successfully moved overseas (mainly to Singapore) to take up good study and work opportunities there.
Q: What led you to give to NUSBSA Bursary Fund?
For me, education is a crucial driver of social mobility. It is essential and only fair that every capable child is not deprived of their needed education. My parents missed out on university education due to financial difficulties even though they passed the entrance tests. Therefore, I set up my NUSBSA Bursary Fund in my parent’s name to fulfil their ambition of helping needy students.
Q: What advice would you give those who do not know where and how to start giving?
Always remember that financial giving is just one option. To fully help our young generation, we can and should go beyond formal studies. So do share your work and life stories with them – they need advice on job-seeking skills and career opportunities; they need to learn how best to navigate the work environment, achieve work-life balance, etc. Mentor them to become better equipped and better guided to face and succeed in this challenging and competitive world and enjoy good social mobility.
The story first appeared on NUSBSA. Alumni who wish to join NUSBSA can connect with fellow alumni and get exclusive access to events and programmes.